Steve Question #7


Dear Joshua,

I often have dreams where I am in a place so real, so "physical" that I don't even know I am dreaming. I only know that I am dreaming after I wake up. Then, for some reason, I don't think it's an absolute miracle that I created an entire world in my mind so perfect, I couldn't even tell it wasn't real! So tonight it hit me... Why can't this physical reality just be the dream of my inner self? And just like the me in my dreams is still "me", it means my inner self is me and that this physical reality is my own dream! That's huge if it's true... So can this possibly be true?

Interesting how i have no doubt that I create everything in my dreams and that there is no "need" or "danger" there but somehow that's such a huge leap of faith here in the physical...


Dear Steve,

Your dreams are real. The nonphysical is real. And this physical reality is just as real. It's all real. You create all experiences. It's just that your perception is focused in another way that allows you to perceive your waking reality as more real than the dream state. But, in actuality, this physical reality, this life experience, will feel like a dream when you transition to the nonphysical realm.

Most people do not understand that they have the ability to deliberately create their own reality in this lifetime. They also do not understand that they have the ability to create in their dream state as well. The dream state is an intensely creative place. People think that their lives are affected by random circumstances out of their control. They also believe that they have no control in their dream state either. This is not accurate.

The dream state is a return to the nonphysical. Your physical life can be enhanced and is directed to a degree by what happens in your dreams. Some people are able to recognize what is happening while they dream. They see their dreams clearly and they understand what is going on. Other people believe their dreams are just hazy ruminations created by their subconscious.

Living in physical reality is very dense and takes a toll on the spirit. Your inner self lives in a light and completely free environment. Your inner self, which is you, needs a break from the demands of physical reality and so you sleep. You do not need the rest, your body rests enough during the day. It's the nonphysical part of you that requires some relief from the heavy aspects of physical reality.

While sleeping you return to the nonphysical. Your focus is removed from this level of existence and returns to the more familiar realm of the nonphysical. You go there to find ease, to heal emotional wounds, and to prepare for the next moment of physical existence. You do a lot of work in the nonphysical to move your life along as you wish it to be. However, it can be more effective if you employ the process of intention into your dreams as you do in your waking reality.

Before going to sleep, you can intend to resolve some issue in your dreams. The nonphysical you would return to the nonphysical realm while you sleep and bring forth energies that would assist with whatever is the subject of your intention. In doing so you align with what is wanted and you included the forces of the universe to assist you. You need not know the intricacies of how this all works, just understand that your intentions set prior to sleeping have creative abilities and are useful in resolving issues so that you may move forward to what is wanted. When you wake, you are in a state of readiness and clarity.

Most people cannot understand what dreaming really is and have made assumptions about the process itself. What you remember of your dreams is simply how your mind translates the nonphysical experience into your physical reality. If you're open to the idea that you move between the physical realm and the nonphysical realm each night, you will have a better framework in which to recall your dreams. They may seem more real to you than to someone who just thinks dreams are a unknowable manifestation of their subconscious.

It is much easier to create your reality in the dream state because it does not seem as real. There are no rules in the dream state. You can fly, run, dance, and be who you really are. You care less what others think of you in your dreams. You have none of the burdens of physical reality such as a job or responsibilities. Knowing this, you can make your dreams fun and enjoyable if you choose.

You can do the same in physical reality as well. You can relax your attention to the rules. You can seek more fun and care less about what others think. You can do your best and not pay as much attention to the results. You can focus on what excites you, what interests you and what makes you think. These things will allow you to gain a higher perspective on what's really important.

You do not have to be as responsible for the lives of others as you think you do. They are here to explore what is important to them. When you make yourself responsible for their happiness, you create personalities that begin to rely on you for their happiness, instead of finding their own way. When they are not happy, you believe you have failed in some way. This causes you to resent them. Allow others to be as they are and worry less about them and they will find their alignment or not. You will begin to feel better about yourself and they will start to feel better as well.

