Steve Question #67


Dear Joshua,

This may be a silly question, but I want to know and it might be fun. I get rather attached to my vehicles, both motorcycles and cars (even bicycles). So my question is - do they have nonphysical counterparts that have consciousness? Do they have wants and desires? Do they enjoy going places and doing certain things? Do they like being cleaned and maintained? Do they protect the occupants? Or is that what I project onto them? Or is it the stream of consciousness that created the vehicle is contained within them? In other words, it started with the founder of the company who had a wanting and that grew and evolved to the point at which I purchased one of their vehicles and that momentum/manifestation is embodied within the vehicle? I'm trying to understand my relationship with "things".


Dear Steve,

You may understand that consciousness exists in humans and most would agree with that. You might also believe that there is consciousness in animals and you would deem that to be of a lower order than the consciousness found in man. You might further believe that there is consciousness in trees and plants because you believe that they are living entities and you would assume that their consciousness is on an even lower order. But would you also agree that consciousness exists in the cells of your body and the cells in animals and plants as well?

We think now that you will agree that consciousness exists in living cells and that you have influence over the cells in your body. As you think certain thoughts, might your cells align or resist those thoughts? So then what is consciousness?

Consciousness is not the same as awareness when we speak in these terms. You are conscious and to a limited degree, you are aware. You are becoming more aware as you interact with us and learn to see your world from our perspective. We are aware and we call ourselves conscious. But can you be conscious and unaware? Are the animals aware? Certainly they are. Are they aware of their place in this world? Indeed they are. So we see that there are certain levels of awareness depending on the type of consciousness.

Physical reality is made up of vibration. Particles form to create things you can perceive with your senses. You can perceive a mountain, a sunset, and the wind. Are these things conscious as well? Are they aware? It depends on your definition, but we would say yes. Do all conscious beings create desire? In a manner of speaking they do.

So is your motorcycle conscious? It is formed from particles that came together out of your desire and the desires of those who imagined it, designed it, and built it. Your bike is made up of countless particles and now takes the shape of a motorcycle. One day these particles will be dispersed but still exist and might take a new form. For now, they exist in a glorious conglomeration of metal, rubber, and plastic. Did the particles desire this exact configuration or did they simply desire to be formed into anything? Would they be as happy in another incarnation such as a child's toy, a computer, or a piece of furniture? Yes. They are units of possibility and their desire is to become the tangible, physical creation and result of your desire. They are part of this physical reality and they have a sense of purpose and destiny. Without this desire on their part, you would not be able to physically manifest what you desire.

You and the materials of possibility are co-creative partners in this experience called physical reality. You desire to create and they desire to become your creation. This is why, in this physical reality, you can literally be, do, and have anything you desire. There are particles of possibility surrounding you in every moment. They want to become whatever you desire. They want you to cause them to become the object of your desire. They are waiting for you to engage them and they are ready, willing, and able to do so. Their desires are to form the tangible, real manifestation of your desires. This is a co-creative environment and they are your conscious partners in this reality.

