Steve Question #61


Dear Joshua,

I had a few bad days there where things went from bad to worse quickly! Not sure how it started, but in just a couple days I went from a pretty happy guy to someone who was hating both my jobs (wanted to quit them both) and was having major relationship issues with my wife. I really wanted to run away from it all. It was worse for me because I'm aware much more now of my feelings and I know that I bring this on myself. I didn't want to ask you questions at the time because I felt like a "bad student" and ultimately I knew what I should be doing. For example, I became very overloaded with work stuff. Of course, I was thinking a lot about being overloaded with work and it was just getting worse. So in a way, I received validation that the law of attraction works. I've been able to turn the tide so to speak the last couple of days and now I'm shocked how quickly things turn around for the better. I made a list of positive qualities regarding my work. It's amazing to me how the world can appear so different so quickly. The term bi-polar comes to mind. I'm enjoying my work again and I'm looking forward to a track day in my car this weekend and I'm getting along great with my wife. I want to convey that my attitude or perception permeates everything in my life, and when it's good, even the world appears brighter and more beautiful. So I'm glad to be out of my slump. Hoping I can catch the next one much sooner without having to go so far in... (It was not fun)


Dear Steve,

The momentum of your thoughts causes your reality to shift. Usually, the momentum keeps you feeling good and generally happy and content. Sometimes a small incident will grow larger throughout the day and you'll start to attract negative thoughts about other areas in your life. It's simply momentum at work and you have the ability to stop the momentum right from the start.

As you are coming to terms with your feelings and emotions, you're gaining a stronger foothold. In the past you felt bad so often that you became numb to it. You believed that feeling bad was just part of life and sometimes you felt good and other times you felt bad. That was just the way it was. Now you realize that you're meant to feel good and so you are demanding to feel good more and more often. When you feel bad, you really notice it and it seems to feel even worse to you than it did before. This is just an illusion. It always felt bad, but you were just used to it.

This is an incredibly fine achievement. It is good to notice when you feel bad. You were always supposed to notice the bad feelings. These emotions alert you to thoughts that are not aligned with what you desire. Therefore, you must stop and analyze (or at least recognize) what you are thinking about and why these thoughts have entered your mind. When you feel negative emotion it is your indication that the thoughts you are currently entertaining are not a match to what is wanted, they are a match to what is unwanted. There is something in your vibration that is attracting these thoughts. You could not have them otherwise. These unwanted thoughts are the first manifestation of a vibrational signal that you are broadcasting and this signal is not going to bring you what you want. It's a sign to switch your signal.

You are not yet able to modify your vibration by will alone. You must go about it in an awkward, yet effective way. You must think your way to a new vibration. You must raise your vibration by thinking thoughts that feel better. Once you feel better, you've managed to successfully modify your vibration. This is important because if your vibration is left unchecked and you continue to broadcast a signal that is opposed to what you want, you will attract a match to the unwanted. Some sort of physical condition or circumstance will emerge in response to your vibration and you will not like it.

This is why it is important to catch a bad feelings as soon as it starts. Can you see how the momentum works? It's just the Law of Attraction at work. You think a thought, more thoughts like it are attracted, and soon the physical representation of those thoughts emerge into your experience. If the thoughts are pleasing and you feel good, then whatever manifestation comes as a result will also be pleasing. If the thoughts feel bad, then the manifestation will also feel bad. The thoughts are no different than the manifestation. You feel bad or good either way. But, when the manifestation of your thoughts presents itself in your physical reality, you deem it "real" and therefore you consider it more important. It's no more or less real than your thoughts. You get a feeling from your thoughts and you get a feeling from the physical manifestation of your thoughts. Either way, you feel something. This is a feeling reality and the only thing that matters is how you feel.

Aha! That is why we ask you to demand to feel good. Because feeling good feels good and that's as good as it gets.When you notice a negative emotion, when you notice yourself becoming annoyed, overwhelmed, or angry, simply stop and think. You want to feel good, so what can you do in this moment to feel good? Don't try to change the conditions, do something that will bring you some relief. Do what you did. Write down the positive aspects. Focus your mind on things that feel good. Don't ignore it. Do something. Nothing is more important, is it? Because the ramifications of continuing to feel bad, which increase in momentum and intensity, are so big that nothing else you do could be more important than how you feel.

Imagine you are late to work, you're annoyed by something that happened earlier. You find yourself thinking about it and you feel bad. You realize you're feeling bad, but you're late to work. So what would the old Steve do? The old Steve would ignore the bad feeling and proceed on to work. Then, the old Steve would encounter things at work that were a very close match to the bad feelings he was feeling on his way to work. So why even go to work? There's no good reason.

The new Steve would realize that he was feeling negative emotion. He would stop what he was doing and would try to feel better by any means possible. If this means being late to work, so be it. What's the point of being on time when the negative feelings will just create an environment ripe for the creation of negative experiences? The new Steve would turn his car in the direction of a better-feeling place. Once he was able to find relief in new, better-feeling thoughts, he would proceed to work if this was still the appropriate thing to do.

We know that you already know all of this and we have attempted to frame this in a new way to give you a bit more insight. It will also be useful to others who will read this answer in the future. You are becoming aware that negative emotion is your indication that your looking at something from your limited perception and there's fear involved. But now you realize that the only way a negative emotion can come is as a result of a negative (or unwanted) thought. The only way that thought could come to you is if you were vibrationally aligned with it. Therefore the negative emotion is really an indication that your signal (vibration) is tuned to attract something unwanted. If you can catch this in the early stages, momentum will be slight and it will be easy to tune your vibration backed to what's wanted. That's all you're doing here. You're tuning yourself, keeping yourself tuned, and vibrating a signal that's perfectly aligned with what's wanted. Sometimes your hand is not steady on the dial and you lose the signal. All you have to do is adjust and find it once more. When you notice negative emotion, your hand has slipped from the station you want. Just think better-feeling thoughts and your hand will find the right station easily.

You are doing amazingly well. We are quite impressed indeed!

