Steve Question #59


Dear Joshua,

I will answers each of your questions below regarding the Blazing Saddles manifestation event.

Determine why you felt fear, why you could not accept the conditions, and what the limiting beliefs are.

Fear because he was he type that would fight and he had friends. I had difficulty accepting the conditions because I wanted my daughter's 18th birthday to be perfect and this guy was making the event "less than perfect". The limiting belief was that I believed I was in "danger" and that the conditions were not perfect. However, for this to be true, doesn't that imply that to some extent I control the behavior of this man? Bottom line, am I interacting with the version of this guy that is most beneficial for me? Change my thoughts and expectations and I hook up,with a different version of him?

What was it about this event in particular that demonstrates the difference between who you are now and who you must be to get what you want which is ease.

I'm not secure in my footing so to speak if I think there is danger from another human being. I must become supremely confident and know that I am always safe and that things are always working out for me. I must see everything around me as opportunities and for me, not against me. Feeling ease in all situations would feel amazing!

Remember, your perspective is limited, so think about the situation as you imagine what our perspective must be. What is your inner self telling you?

I don't "know" my safety and I think I must carefully navigate my way through this physical realm carefully or I may suffer in some negative way. This is false. Quite the opposite is true. I'm supported on all sides by everyone I come in contact with.

How would the situation be different if you were the expanded version of you?

Well I'm thinking the situation probably would have not come up in the first place, but if it did I would have viewed it in much the same way I would have if a 5 year kid was having a little too good a time. I would have smiled and then not focused on it and continued to enjoy the event with my daughter. It would have been a non-event.

I'm very much looking forward to your response :)


Dear Steve,

The highest version of you does not need or even desire to control the conditions. That version of you is fully aware that the conditions are simply the manifested reality of your vibrational offering and as such, they are perfect. This manifestation event had several purposes, foremost was to alert you to the fact that you are trying to create conditions that are perfect rather than allowing the conditions to be perfect.

Here we must ask you to follow us for a little while. You planned this event with your daughter and it was something you thought would be fun for her. To you this movie represents something, but to her it is something completely different. She has grown up in a time that is much different from the time that you experienced at her age. She is vibrationally ahead of you as far as this earthly environment is concerned, while you feel a little nostalgic. This is perfectly normal.

In your wanting for her to experience something as you have experienced it, you want the conditions to be a certain way. Yet, your idea of perfect is quite different than the universe's idea of perfect. You want your daughter to experience this evening in a that you believe is best. And while it's good to set intentions, you set yourself up for situations that do not meet your expectations. In other words, you were simply trying to hard to control the conditions of the evening and this is the message of the event.

Had you approached this evening differently, allowing things to play out as they must, you would have never noticed the annoying person behind you. You were inspired to create the event and that's all you needed to do. Once the conditions were set, you could simply relax and go with the flow of the event. This manifestation event involved your daughter as well. There were things at play here that stemmed from her vibration too. She was also meant to gain something from the experience. Not knowing what her vibration is emitting means you can't control the event. Once it was set up, you have to let it unfold naturally. Your discord stemmed from you wanting the conditions to be different than they were. This causes inner conflict.

The only difference between the current version of you and the highest version of you is your approach to the manifestation event. The higher version of you would go along with the event in eager anticipation of what was to unfold. You've seen the movie before, but you've never seen these conditions before. How exciting it is to see how the universe unravels the conditions to reveal information that you can use to evolve and grow? The current version of you fights the conditions as they are revealed, while the higher version of you eagerly observes the conditions. You judge the conditions, while the higher version of you remains neutral to them.

There are other things to be understood by this event as well. While you listened to the person you found annoying, you gave him your attention and you wanted him to be different than he was. This caused negative emotion and you allowed yourself to slip down to his lower vibration. From this vantage point, you were inspired to act in a way that would change his behavior. These thoughts seemed very real to you and you felt an urge to act on them. Fear kept you from doing so. It is interesting to note that fear in this circumstance was useful. You were operating at a very low emotional state and thus the ideas that you attracted corresponded to that state of being. Had you acted on these ideas, you would have faced more unwanted conditions as a result. But fear stopped you from acting out these ideas and obviously that was a good thing.

When you are vibrating at a higher level and are aligned with your inner self, you receive inspired thoughts. Fear can keep you from taking action and in these cases, fear is limiting. While you are in a lower emotional state, fear also keeps you from acting on the ideas that you attract from this lower emotional state and in these instances, fear can be quite beneficial. There is no need to overcome this fear. You have nothing to prove or to gain. You can't alter the conditions by fighting against anything. Once the momentum has been established, all you can do is ride it out.

From our perspective, you handled the event brilliantly given your state of being. While you may have felt negative emotion, you rode it out and you were able to analyze the event for your own benefit. How many other people have been able to label a manifestation event "The Blazing Saddles Manifestation Event?" That's monumental.

As you move into the higher version of you, start thinking about how that version would approach every situation. Intend for what you want, but when it is different than what you wanted, realize it is for your benefit and you can gain from the experience. Use what you know about reality to aid you in your understanding of the conditions. You do not have to love what's going on, instead try to accept it. Don't judge anything as right or wrong, simply observe it from a position of neutrality. Remember that it's not happening to you, it's all happening for you (and for the others involved from their unique perspective).

Ease is your goal in every situation.
