Steve Question #57


Dear Joshua,

Along the lines of working for a living... Given that I can be, do or have anything in life, I doubt that I would pick having an 8-5 job like my current "day" job. Also, I'm starting to doubt my second job because I feel my greatest motivation for it is money, which really shouldn't be the driving force.

I have always been truly amazed at the power of computers and the fact that I could harness that power through programming. I would love to write a program once and have it make money for me somehow. I envision a program running 24/7 that makes money like a few pennies per transaction, but it repeats this thousands and thousands of times per day. I can improve the program, make it more efficient, but the point is that I'm not always starting from scratch. My program evolves and gets better. I can then pay someone to watch over this program, keep the server running and I would have the freedom to travel, do track days, ride my motorcycle, etc. So how can I get there from here? Do I imagine having free time and traveling? Would that transfer over to "what I do for a living"?


Dear Steve,

You birth a desire: the freedom to travel, do track days, ride your motorcycle, etc. This is all you need to do. You don't have to figure anything else out. You cannot see how the universe will deliver this to you from your current perspective. You cannot envision the version of you who has the freedom to do all the things you want to do.

Because you can't see or know how your dream will be realized, you try to envision one potential outcome after another. You don't think this freedom can exist while simultaneously working at your day job, so you mentally search for other sources of income. You don't see the freedom coming as a result of your side business and you start to doubt that business.

So your mind turns to what you know; computers. You understand that this was one of your passions and this passion led you to all that you have now, so you want it to deliver you to the next desire. But this is a flawed approach. By using one passion to fuel another desire, "you're just filling in your own grid" as Abraham would say.

You have a passion for computers, a passion for motorcycles and driving, and a passion for travel. All good things. You want to explore your passions further so you try to coerce the universe by making it happen in a way that you can understand from your current place in life. But the you who will be ready to do all these things is a different, more evolved version of you. There's nothing you have to do or even can do to change yourself as far as action is concerned. All you have to do is think your way to it and allow the universe to make the changes that are necessary.

We will say that your current set of beliefs are at odds with what you want and that's why you can't get there from here. You want to do all the things you want to do in a certain style. You want to have the money and not worry about money as you do these things. This is rather limiting because you are not yet vibrationally tuned to that level.

For instance, you could quit your job, sell some of your assets and travel the world on your motorcycle. You could do this tomorrow, yet you would have to leave your family and the security you love. Okay then, you could wait a few years and once your children were off on their own, you could quit your job, sell your house, and take your wife with you. But she's not as interested in this as you are. Okay, you could do this by yourself. But what about retirement? You need money for that.

Do you see how you are not vibrationally aligned with what you really want. You must solve all these problems and you can't quite work out a way to do it. So you create a money machine that allows you to solve many (but not nearly all) of your problems. Money will not bring you the end result you desire. Money will not allow you to elegantly manifest your dreams into your reality. It is simply the shortcut you can understand from your current limited perspective that seems to lead you where you want to go. But it doesn't.

So here you have two options. You can try and earn enough money to get you to the elegant manifestation of your dreams, or you can allow the universe to do it for you. Which do you think will get you there? Your only option is to allow the universe to do what it must to mold you into the version of you that is ready for the desire you ask for. Taking action on your own will only lead to something less.

You have already asked for what you want. Now you must allow yourself to be the clay in the hands of the universe. You will be given many manifestation events. At each event you will decide if you will allow the event to unfold as intended or you will resist the event. Your emotions will let you know if you're allowing or resisting. You can resist and your desire will be altered. You can allow and your beliefs will be altered. If you resist, you'll stay where you are. If you allow, you will realize your dreams. It's up to you.

If we were living your life as we see it from our higher perspective, we would go with the flow, allowing what is to come, trusting that we cannot see the big picture, and appreciating everything we have along the way. We would appreciate our day job for the richness it offers our current reality. We would appreciate our side business for the challenges and creativity it offers. We would understand that we can't see the future and quite possibly the path to our desire might be paved right through our job, our business, or both.

We would enjoy riding our bike whenever we can and not worry that we can't ride it more. We would travel anyway and not worry that we can't travel more. We would enjoy our family knowing that this version of family life will never come again. We would lean into everything with renewed passion and vigor. We would be thrilled to be living a physical life. We would think about whatever excites us not needing the subject of our thoughts to manifest. We would realize that our vibration allows us to reach for new thoughts and new ideas. We would give great thought to a certain subject and see where that thought leads us. Maybe it leads to a little computer program that creates wealth. Maybe it's part of the path to our dreams. We don't know, but we do know it's fun to think about. And that is all we need to know.

