Steve Question #50


Dear Joshua,

I would like to take lots of time off of work so I can enjoy nice long trips on my newly acquired touring motorcycle. However, as a consultant, when I don't work, I don't get paid. So I have two opposing desires that cause conflict in my life. So far, my solution is compromise - a little less abundance for more fun. Is there a way I can eliminate this conflict in my life? Winning the lottery sounds like a great option here...


Dear Steve,

The most important thing is to be aligned with what is wanted so that you feel good when doing anything. If you ride your motorcycle on a long trip and feel guilty for not working, you rob yourself of the good feelings that should be coming from enjoying your trip. If you are working and resenting the work because you rather be riding your bike, your resentment causes inner conflict and stress on the body. The key is to strike a balance that makes you feel good.

This conflict is caused by a combination of several limiting beliefs. If you realized that you are being taken care of, that everything you want is being given to you, that well-being is your birthright, then you would not feel this guilt about not working. Remember, you can have, be, and do anything you want as long as your beliefs are in line with what is wanted. If you believe that there must be a compromise, then that is your reality.

It is not easy to eliminate limiting beliefs, but you can always soften them so that they are not too intense. Realize that your reality is dictated by your vibration. Your vibration is created by the feelings you want to experience. Your predominance of thought organizes your reality so that you may experience those feelings in physical form (manifestations). You wanted the feeling of riding your motorcycle and your new motorcycle manifested in a very elegant manner.

Now that the universe has delivered to you just what you want, you hold yourself apart from it. Do you really believe that you could ask for the motorcycle and then suffer while it sits in your garage as you toil away to justify its very existence? That makes no vibrational sense whatsoever. The universe does not work this way. You can see by your very thoughts that you are the one holding yourself apart from what you want.

This is how it is with most humans. You ask and the universe works to bring you to the manifested version of what you've asked for. If you allow it to come, it comes. If you resist it, you stall the manifestation. Once it has come, you worry that it might not stay, or in your case, that you might not have the time to enjoy it. In either case, it is you, by your lack of faith, that you hold what you want from manifesting fully into your reality.

So then, what are you to do? Follow what feels good and align with that good feeling. If it feels good to work so that you can take some time off later to ride your new bike, then do that. If it feels good to ride your bike and you know that you will make up time at work later, then do that. If you trust that the universe will make it all work out, then do what you feel like doing in the moment.

However, if you feel resentment for being at work instead of riding your bike, then you have some vibrational adjusting to do. If you feel guilty for riding your bike rather than working, then realize you have to stop and understand that the negative feeling of guilt is alerting you to a very limiting belief.

Work out your conflict ahead of time so that when you are either working or riding, you are aligned fully with what is wanted. Always focus on what is wanted and trust that you cannot see how it will all unfold. Listen to your inner self. Feel for what seems like the best feeling and notice when negative emotion emerges. When it does, soften it with thoughts of faith in your powers of creation and universal forces until you begin to feel better. It is when you are fully aligned with what is wanted that you will enjoy whatever you are doing.

