Steve Question #5


Dear Joshua,

To piggyback off your response to my wanting to manifest a Harley in my life - I really got that this is a feeling reality and that I should focus on the feeling that I want from the bike (ie. freedom, adventure, power, fun) and the universe will handle all the details of getting it to me. But shouldn't I also identify any limiting beliefs that I have that is keeping my financial abundance at bay? If so, what is a good way to identify my limiting beliefs?

Also, I am becoming more aware that it's ALL me, my perception. I've created this "construct/ reality" (which are just my set of beliefs) in which I live and operate. Of course, like most, I've spent my entire life gathering evidence as to what the construct/reality was as though it existed outside of me (the real world). Strange - even though now I know I created it, I still feel relatively powerless to change it! I want to be able to bend my reality in any direction I want! How fun would that be! :)


Dear Steve,

You are right that this is a feeling reality. What you are feeling is the only important thing going on here. You can choose to feel anything you want from love to fear, joy to sorrow, appreciation to hatred, and everything in between. However, when it comes to the deliberate manifestation of what it is that you truly want, you must work at feeling good. This will lead you down the path to what you want.

As you have heard us say many times before, your reality guides you by the way you feel to an enhanced experience of well-being. For instance, cold is a bad feeling so you seek warmth, hunger is a bad feeling so you eat, pain is a bad reeling so you seek relief. The bad feeling alerts you to conditions that are not allowing well-being. In these more basic and natural feelings that feel bad, like hunger, pain, and cold, you are guided by your feelings because to not listen to those feelings is to run the risk of death. Your survival instinct uses your feelings to keep you safe. All you have to do in this regard is listen to those feelings and you'll know what to do to keep yourself safe.

This is a mechanism of this reality and it works in all areas. If you feel bad, it is an indication that you are going down the path of unwanted and there is risk to your well-being. So you must alter your behavior and change your course so that you return to well-being. If you feel good, then you are allowing well-being and moving toward what is wanted.

This works with your belief system as well. When you encounter a manifestation event, or even just a thought, and you experience negative emotion, it is a bad feeling. What do you do when you experience a bad feeling? What is the bad feeling telling you? It tells you that you are encountering risk to what you want and you must now change behavior or, in the case of a badfeeling thought or limiting belief, you change your perspective. When you feel better as a result of this change in perspective, you know you're back on your path to manifesting what is wanted.

So let's talk about the practical application of the feeling process so you can manifest that motorcycle you want. In order for you to enjoy the manifestation of the motorcycle in the way we know you want to enjoy it, you will have to change. That's right. The version of you that exists without the motorcycle is different than the version of you that enjoys the full and elegant manifestation of the bike. You have to morph into the new version of you that is vibrationally ready to receive the bike as you see it in your highest version of all that encompasses this desire.

You see you could easily create the manifestation of this desire on your own. But, as we have discussed, it would not be anything like what you see in your imagination because you are not yet ready for the fullest and most complete manifestation of that specific desire. What you really want is the full experience. The only way to get that is to let the universe do its work.

You must change to become the version of you that is ready for this perfect manifestation. However, you don't have to actually do anything but pay attention and be patient. The universe will create situations where you will see things in a new way and thus change your limiting beliefs. That is, if you do not resist what's happening. The universe will choreograph certain events which cause purposeful experiences so that you might be allowed to alter your beliefs. These events might also cause others to alter their beliefs as well because your manifestation requires the co-creative partnership of those around you. You are intertwined with others in this (and nearly every other) manifestation. Certain rendezvous must take place so that everything lines up to produce the manifestation you desire in the way that you want it.

When you hold firm to the way you think everything should unfold, you will not recognize certain steps in the manifestation process that would have brought you to the experience you really want. When you think it should be one way, and you don't allow for the possibilities of it manifesting in other, more wonderful ways, you stall the process. When you become impatient, or blame yourself or others for it not manifesting, you stall the process. In this time-space reality, which allows for this wonderful orchestration of events, you have the illusion of time. Try not to worry about the timing, for that is the aspect that holds you apart from what you want.

You are right to say that your limiting beliefs are holding you apart from some of what you desire, but it can be said that those same limiting beliefs keep you attached to much of what you have in your life that you appreciate and enjoy. Limiting beliefs do indeed limit your experience, but sometimes that feels comfortable and keeps you grounded which is not a bad thing. However, there are certain limiting beliefs that do not serve you at all and those beliefs can be reduced in their intensity enough to allow you to make strides toward what is wanted.

When you feel any negative emotion, you've uncovered a limiting belief. Now it's time to look at why you feel bad, write it down, and then look at it from a higher, broader perspective. If you have a strongly held limiting belief, and you try to look at it from a higher perspective, you will think that what you came up with is ridiculous. This is your sign that the belief is intensely limiting.

If your car were to be stolen and felt anger you could stop and analyze this bad feeling. If you now you looked at that event from the higher perspective and said to yourself "Good, I'm glad it was stolen. Now I can get something even better," you might think that statement sounds ridiculous. You have uncovered a highly limiting belief. But if you actually believe that statement to be true, you will feel better after saying it and due to your new perspective, your limiting belief has dissipated and you've risen to a new vibrational version of you.

So let's take a quick look at your beliefs in abundance. You believe you should have all that you want, but you are not quite there as compared with others. You have trained yourself to see that abundance comes from action and you believe that you need to make things happen with action. You believe in ownership of possessions. You believe in death. You believe in loss. You believe in so many beliefs that are common to man living in a physical reality. It is part and parcel of your existence. You simply need to experience life in a way that alters these strongly-held beliefs. If this is what you want, you will be led, step by step to a new level of awareness. We are part of that journey.

You, through your asking have been led to this place where you now stand. You are the very first in history that we have conducted this one on one conversation. Imagine that! Now compare yourself to others and see how that fact changes your perception. No one else, no one rich, or famous, or spiritual, has had this conversation with us. Feel how that feels. Does that make you feel powerful, special, magical? Does this relationship alter your beliefs just a little? Can you see that you have an abundance of clarity, access to infinite intelligence, and an awareness of this physical reality that few humans possess?

You do have the ability to create your reality as you imagine you do. You can bend it in any direction you want. But you have to believe it.

You are on your path. Everything really is unfolding in the right way. You are being led, step by step, and you are traveling quickly. Start thinking and listening to your thoughts. You inner self is aware of you. Ask for guidance, ask for information, and ask for what is wanted. Allow events to unfold without judgment. Allow others to be exactly as they are without wanting them to be different. Appreciate the current conditions as perfect for that is exactly what they are. Just observe, listen to, and analyze what's going on, why it's happening, and pay attention to how you feel about it.

Keep meditating and asking questions. You're on the fast track!

