Steve Question #45


Dear Joshua,

On the side, I am working with a group of guys to get a small digital marketing agency off the ground, so I work on this a lot in the mornings, evenings and weekends. This morning I got an email from a colleague that I have something setup incorrectly on a website that I am responsible as it pertains to advertising for our client. He copied my partner/boss, who as he should be is very passionate about his "product" and wants everything to go right. So my initial response was fearful as this is an area that I do not feel expertise in and we seem to have issues in this area often.

My fear is that we are not serving our client well, I will look "bad" in the eyes of my colleagues, and ultimately, this could affect the overall trajectory of this startup. I have been asked by my partner/boss to become an expert in this area, but it's quite a bit to bite off and even though logically it makes sense for me to become this expert and take the time to learn this, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed as it is, and I find it hard to take that first step towards diving into a online course to learn this stuff. It's not rocket science, I could do it, but I'm also waiting for that "feeling" of yes, I want to do this, before jumping in.

Part of me also thinks it would be better to just hire a resource that is already proficient at this, freeing me up for bigger picture things. So the fear is possibly irrational, or is it rational? If we lost the client because of this, I would judge that as bad. But if there is no wrong in the universe, even that would not be bad? It could free us up for an even larger client? I know the feelings of inadequacy that I initially felt are irrational. I'm a genius when I direct my focus at anything for any length of time and I'm sure I'll be able to figure this out... There is a lot wrapped up in this little email! Looking forward to hearing your take on this... I don't feel like I've really gotten to the root of the issue.


Dear Steve,

This is a wonderful way to start analyzing these manifestation events. This one has so much useful information imbedded within it. We can't wait to put our two cents in.

The fear of being seen as inadequate or not an expert in something is irrational. You cannot be an expert in everything. If you were interested in this technical aspect of your profession, you would have become more proficient at it beforehand. This is not your primary interest and that is why you feel no inspiration to pursue it. If you were to attempt to become an expert, you would be frustrated and miserable. It would not do you or your firm any good.

The manifestation event is here to help you understand your worthiness. You are worthy, but this event has made you feel a bit unworthy as you perceive the opinions of your colleagues. What they are wanting is the same thing you are wanting; the path of least resistance. They believe that path lies across your back, while you realize it does not.

There is another aspect of this endeavor for you and your colleagues to consider. You are a small company and you have seemingly set yourself up with a person who will handle each specific aspect of the business. One to lead, one to find new clients, one to handle the technical aspects, and one to handle the financial side, etc. You all believe that each person should be able to handle their area, but this is extremely limiting. You further believe that if you should grow to quickly, then you will be overwhelmed and will not be able to handle the additional business. This event will cause you to rethink all that if you allow yourself to consider outsourcing some of the jobs that you can not do efficiently, inexpensively, quickly, or ones you just do not enjoy doing.

The only reason any of you entered into this business together was because you thought you would feel better in the operating of this company. This must be your first consideration above all else. Why bother if you're not having fun and feeling good in the process? There is no gain in pain.

So, for you Steve, specifically, this event was really a good thing. You have realized that you don't need to have any more knowledge than you currently possess otherwise you would be inspired to get it. Since you aren't inspired to become an expert, this responsibility is not your business. You must now find someone to handle this on the side. You might enjoy being the liaison or not. That is something you will have to think about. For the others, they will find relief in the knowledge that they may also outsource some of their responsibilities that they do not enjoy. This will enable you all to grow at a much faster rate.

Believe it or not, but this was one of the biggest obstacles to your growth. Until you felt comfortable handling more clients, the universe could not bring you more work because you were not a vibrational match to it. You were literally holding yourselves apart from what you wanted because you had some fear. The universe, through this manifestation event, is releasing some of that fear. Once you are able to hire one contractor, and the work is completed successfully, you'll gain the confidence needed to outsource more work as it arrives. Once you've gained this confidence, you'll see new opportunities falling on your laps.

Now, you as the more conscious one in your group must handle the next step very carefully. You must be aware of the fears of others and see their perspective. Their fears will revolve around money. They will hesitate when the subject of money is brought up and will want you to do the work you are not vibrationally prepared to do. If you allow yourself to feel guilty or pressured, you will do a disservice to yourself and your partners. You must take a stand for something you know is vibrationally accurate and do not react to the others who cannot yet see the higher good. Once you've gained their trust and they've agreed to hire an outside contractor, you must vibrationally prepare yourself so that you can find the right person. You will want to make sure you're up to speed with your desire and know what you really want before you can rendezvous with this new person. You will have to be a little patient in this process.

Now, there are two ways this can go: 1) out of desperation, you hire the first person you find and you learn from that or 2) you spend a little time and preparation feeling for the essence of what you really want. We can help you with that part of it when you are ready.

You are a vibrational match to the clients you currently have and the amount of business you now enjoy, yet you are not a match to anything more. You want to grow, but in order to grow, your beliefs must be altered as a group. You are the one who is aware of the nature of physical reality and you can guide your co-workers to the next level as long as you continue to focus on what is wanted and do not react negatively to their unconscious behavior or attitudes. You must see things from their perspective and help them to navigate the path toward that which you all want.

You are the powerful one.

