Steve Question #43


Dear Joshua,

I have had an awesome streak of not getting sick. Every time I felt one coming on, I would deliberately slow my life down because I've interpreted my prior colds as my body's way of forcing me to take a break. Well a couple days ago it came on and really grabbed a hold of me and now I've been hanging in bed the last couple of days. So do I get sick because my life gets too hectic? I wouldn't mind it so much, except for the feeling miserable part...


Dear Steve,

All physical conditions that are unwanted are caused by resistance to what is. Any sickness is nothing more than a manifestation event that has a purpose and a message. The message is to start accepting the conditions as perfect. Your conditions are your own creation. You are a perfect creator. You can strive for improved conditions, but you must accept that your current creation is the perfect vibrational interpretation of your overall set of feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and expectations.

If you find yourself with a mild cold, it is time to realize that you have been resisting some aspects of your life. You want improvement in the moment, which is not possible. So you find fault with the condition and this causes negative emotion. Instead of stopping here and realizing what you're doing, you continue to resist. This causes some inner tension and stress on the body. Your first manifestation event was the negative emotion you felt the moment you resisted what is. When you felt anger, pity, sorrow or any other negative emotion, this was your easy message. It was a little message. If you ignore this message, you will be given a louder message that might come in the form of a cold, an injury, or an accident.

Normally, when you feel negative emotion, you analyze the emotion and realize that you are thinking about the present conditions in a way that does not serve who you really are or what you really want. So you quickly pivot, in the moment, and focus on how good everything really is. This makes you feel better and your vibration quickly rises. You listened to your emotional guidance system and corrected yourself in the moment. All is well.

When you ignore the message delivered by your guidance system, and you carry on complaining about what is, you will be given a more noticeable message and now you find yourself on your back in bed wishing for things to be as they were. Isn't that obvious? You were complaining about the conditions and wanting them to be different until you caught the cold. Now that you have the cold, you start wishing for the conditions that you previously complained about. You were feeling pretty bad about the conditions, but now that you have this miserable cold, you consider that you were actually feeling so much better before the cold and you yearn for that feeling again.

All you need to do is stay in a state of appreciation for what is and you'll allow well being to flow as it is intended. You may wish for improved conditions in the future, but not by complaining about what is. If you think what is is so bad, the universe will find a way to make you think that what you had was pretty good compared to these new conditions.

Your illness will fade as you remember how really good you felt prior to catching the cold. You will be healed and you'll really appreciate how good you feel and how wonderful your life is. You'll go along like this for a while until you start resisting what is and then you'll catch another cold and then renew your appreciation for your life all over again. This is fine and the system works well. Just keep your focus on how wonderful what is is and you'll maintain perfect health.

You are love.

