Steve Question #32


Dear Joshua,

I had an interesting "manifestation event" this morning on the way to work. I lost control of my car around a corner that I've taken many times before and I spun out and in the process I did a full 360 degree spin. This is VERY UNLIKE ME... I like to think that I know what I'm doing and that I'm a capable driver with a very capable car! It was a bit scary while it was happening since I feared for the safety of my car (I knew I was safe, so no fear there for my personal safety)

As it turned out, I ended up stopped facing the correct direction at a red light, almost like I meant to do that. No harm, no foul so to speak. Pretty amazing really. Nothing this dramatic has ever occurred in my car which I've had for several years now and I'm always taking corners fast in it. So I find it quite "coincidental" that this occurs on the very day that I'm heading up to a racetrack to do a track day event over the this weekend. I haven't done a track day event (in a car) since 2006.

The reason being is that I feared having something happen on the track that would cause damage to my car which is not covered by insurance. However, with my new found confidence, I felt I was ready to hit the track again and have fun. But this morning's event made me think I'm still thinking the same way I used to and I haven't done the necessary "belief" work. The track is still a dangerous place to me and I'm taking a "risk".

My limiting belief is that there is any danger at all. I'm reducing the strength of this limiting belief by realizing that the track is actually a much safer place to go fast than the streets because there are no curbs or intersections and you even have corner workers that will wave a big yellow flag if there is something ahead that you need to be aware of. I know I need to continue to work on this, but I wanted to get this out to you while it was still very fresh in my mind. Not much of a question really, maybe more of a confirmation that my thought processes have changed dramatically over the last couple months and I'm feeling much appreciation for our interaction...


Dear Steve,

It is so wonderful to see that through your manifestation event you did not judge the event or your role within it as bad or wrong. In the past you might have looked to blame yourself, your car, or the road for the spin out. Instead you realized it was a manifestation event which occurred for the sole purpose of helping to align your belief system with what is wanted. You had been feeling nervous for the safety of your car and this event allowed you to become aware of your feelings. Your vibration was steady with regard for your own safety, but you still had a lower frequency around the possible damage to your car and so the event occurred exactly as it did, when it did. There are no accidents even when there seems to be an accident.

Now that you were able to examine the event for what it was, you could look to see if there was a limiting belief that could be revealed by the event. Your belief that danger exists for you is somewhat limiting when there is no real danger. However, this is not a limiting belief when there is danger. If the fear is rational (in times when your life or something you care about is at risk) then that is a rational fear. If there is the potential for danger, then the fear is rational and the belief helps keep you safe.

What you desire is to have fun with your care and to be safe. You want to experience the freedom to test your driving skills, but even more than that, you want the experience to be safe for your car as well. If something were to happen to your car, you ultimately would not have enjoyed the driving experience. So in this situation what is desired is a fun driving experience where you and your car are not damaged in the process.

Fear is not a bad thing when it is rational. Fear helps to keep you on track with what is wanted. Fear is the brakes which keep you on the road. Without fear, your life would be out of control. Rational fear is necessary. When we talk about reducing limiting beliefs, we are talking about those beliefs that are based in irrational fear. We would say that this event instilled a little fear and doubt in you where you might have been a little overconfident. This event helped to modify a belief that did not serve what you truly wanted which was the safety of your car.

Without this event, you might have believed that you could push your car beyond its limits and you might have damaged your car a bit. Even the slightest damage would have caused you some discomfort and that was not what you wanted. It interesting to see how the universe works to bring you what you truly want. Sometimes it's difficult to see the underlying message in each event. Sometimes, your beneficial beliefs need to be adjusted so that you receive exactly what you really want.

You are indeed a master at understanding the laws of the universe and the mechanism of physical reality. You are just starting to scratch the surface of your potential. We are fascinated by your great strides towards an even keener understanding and we are eager to see how life unfolds for you in the near future.

You are loved more than you can imagine,

