Steve Question #30


Dear Joshua,

I have heard "you create your reality" for years and I thought I fully believed it. But since reading your last response, I've never "felt" that statement like I do now. It has been an interesting (maybe "mind shifting" would be a better term) couple of days for me. I feel like more of an observer to my life and I've noticed little bits of "fear" that pop up in my life and I am able to quell the fear by reminding myself that "nobody else can create in my reality". It's all me and even if something does come up that I would normally fear, I can play with the moment and have fun. That's really big! I feel more calm and I would even say more confident. Last week I was promoted to a manager role at work and this awareness helped me during my transition and will continue to do so.

So now you could say I'm becoming grateful for the neighbor incident! I'm not quite where I want to see or talk to my neighbor yet, but I do feel the tension fading. What would be the next step towards me softening the judgements I have specifically for my neighbor? (Not going to repeat them since that would only reinforce them).


Dear Steve,

When you come to realize that everything is happening for you, then you automatically soften everything. If you know that your neighbor was a core part of the universe's plan to help raise your consciousness, then you must acknowledge the benefit he brings to your life. When you know what is going on, you cannot help but to appreciate everything.

Imagine one of your children at a small age saying something that you would normally consider inappropriate for anyone else to say. You hear your child make this true statement, and although it's not considered proper, you laugh. You think it's funny because you love your child and you realize she does not know all the ramifications involved in that statement. Your child does not fully understand what the statement means and therefore you find it funny rather than offensive.

However, this is true of everyone who says or does anything you find offensive. They cannot know how their words or actions will affect you. You think they should "think" about what they're saying or doing before they act or speak. You think they should know how their words or actions will affect others. You believe they have thought this all through before hand and they must know what they're doing. But they rarely do. People say and do things without thinking or knowing the ramifications all the time. Most action and language is random. Can you guess why this is? It's due to momentum caused by the Law of Attraction.

You have a vibration which is attractive and depending on what you are emitting, you attract like vibrations. When we say "Like" we mean compatible. The lover attracts another based on his vibrations. He rarely attracts someone "like" himself. Often he attracts quite the opposite. Why is this? It's because he finds failings within himself and he admires those features he lacks. When he sees those traits in another, he recognizes what he's been missing and he is attracted to that. But the thing he thinks he admires is really the thing that annoys him the most.

For instance, an introverted man my attract an extroverted woman since he feels his shyness is a failing and admires the other person for her outgoing personality. Soon this personality becomes intolerable as he comes to realize that he is shy for a reason; he has disdain for the flamboyant. Now he tries to subdue her personality in order to remove the annoying trait he fell in love with. Since she cannot change and he cannot tolerate this aspect of her, the relationship ends.

When you emit a vibration, you cause cooperative vibrations to enter your reality. This is how you create your reality. Without conscious awareness of the vibrations you emit, you create unconsciously. Unconscious creation is still creation and your life is a mixture of mostly things you love and some things you fear. This creation can easily be deliberate with a simple change in perspective. Once you understand that how you feel is your guide to creating what you want, then all you need do is feel good.

Move toward anything that feels good and if you have a bad-feeling emotion, simply pivot toward what feels good. Do not try to solve the problem of the bad-feeling emotion. Do not focus on what made you feel bad, why you feel bad, or how to remove the object of your bad feelings so that it never happens again. It is your habit to solve problems by removing obstacles, but the obstacles must be removed mentally, not physically. You think you would like it if your neighbor moved far away or fell of a cliff. But trust us, you wouldn't because a new representation of your neighbor would enter your life and this time it would be more difficult for you to remove this new person (your boss, your wife, your child's significant other).

You remove the obstacle (not the person) by seeing it from the higher perspective. When you can fully understand that your neighbor is really your best friend, simply disguised by your beliefs, you can come to love your friend once again. You created all of this internally beforehand. This was done to facilitate your growth. You are learning to resolve your issues mentally. You do not need to physically remove obstacles because that is ineffective and won't work. You realize that when you physically remove one terrorist by killing him, you create two more who will take his place. You cannot remove your neighbor either because two more just like him will take his place.

You only have two options and they are love or fear. You can choose to love your neighbor or you can choose to fear your neighbor. Your neighbor doesn't care. Either way it will not affect him, only you. If you choose to fear your neighbor, he'll laugh at you. If you choose to love him, he'll still laugh. You're not trying to solve the problem of your neighbor, you can only make yourself fell better or not. This is how you clear all obstacles. You choose your reaction based on how you personally would prefer to feel. You are not making him right by allowing him to be as he is, you are taking care of how you feel because you understand that this is a feeling reality and how you feel is the only thing that really matters. Choose to feel good and you create from the powerful stance of love. Choose to feel bad and you create from the powerful stance of fear. It's your reality and no other can create in that reality, but they can influence you to create in ways that do not serve who you truly are or what you really want. You must learn to see that their influence can always lead you to a stronger position of love.

You are love. You are loved.

