Steve Question #29


Dear Joshua,

You hit the nail on the head when you said I fear others having control over my reality. So I'm extremely motivated to get rid of this limiting belief! So I've been trying to see this event from the perspective of my neighbor. (Joshua- I'm going to admit that I've avoided responding to this answer because whenever I think about this situation it lowers my vibration. It's happening now and it's a very noticeable uncomfortable feeling) My neighbor represents many qualities that I despise. He has no honor, lies, he is weak and feeble, yet he still attacks me in his own dishonorable way. And now I must find a way to love him. That's a tall order. I can feel sorry for him, but even the thought of talking to him makes me bristle. I'm thinking maybe this incident is too fresh in my mind and I should just let it lay for a little while longer before tackling this?

Talking about freedom inspires me and makes me feel great. Is there a way that I can work on my limiting belief that others can impose on my freedom in general without having to bring my neighbor into the equation just yet?


Dear Steve,

You've come across a manifestation event that speaks to the core of who you really are and it has identified a limiting belief. In the past, without your new understanding of universal forces and the mechanism of physical reality, you might not have stopped to think about why this event occurred and what is has to teach you. As you know, the universe is lining up manifestation events that will help you alter your limiting beliefs so that you can become the highest version of who you really are AS LONG AS YOU ALLOW IT. By sitting down and thinking about what it is that makes you feel bad, you'll uncover that limiting belief. Now, if you can change your perspective on the subject, you can work to reduce the intensity of the belief.

All you really have to do is notice when an event causes you to feel negative emotion (fear), identify the limiting belief that is at the root of the fear (negative emotion), and then alter your perspective on the subject so that you begin to feel good once again. This work will automatically, over time, reduce the intensity of the limiting belief. Once you get good at it, the process will become habitual and you'll do it without even being aware of what you're doing.

You must realize that when you're in the midst of the moment and you feel intense negative emotion, you are slipping into a lower vibrational state of being. From this stance you cannot reach for the better-feeling thoughts very easily. Sometimes you will have to wait it out and recover. But, the faster you can start to look for the limiting belief, the quicker you'll be back to feeling good.

You can also prepare yourself mentally in advance of these events. The manifestation events will always occur. You are never finished evolving to a higher version of yourself. It is a never-ending journey of self discovery. You are always improving and you will always face these manifestation events. This is a good thing and you want it to work this way. You can prepare for it and when they come, don't judge it or blame yourself, just realize that this is part of the process.

These events have been happening all of your life. You are just now realizing that they happen on purpose for you so that you may grow through the experience. This is what expansion is all about and you intended to expand through experience prior to your birth into this life. Now that you know what's going on, you have freedom to create within these events and literally shape them into a version of reality that will work for you.

This is the most powerful, exhilarating and creative aspect of this form of reality. These events happen for you and just like anything else, you have power to create and shape the events as they are happening. Can you imagine what you could do if you took control of the event in the midst of it? Let's take a look.

We want to talk about you're neighbor, but we feel it's too soon and you're not ready for what we have to say. So let's take another possible manifestation event that you might have faced in the past. Let's say that you were riding your motorcycle down an empty highway and you decide it is time to see how fast you can go. You're zooming along without another car in sight and you're really going fast. Suddenly you catch a glimpse of a flashing light and you realize a cop has caught you and is pulling you over. Now there are two ways this could go.

As you were feeling aligned, you desired to ride really fast. Since the road was deserted, you felt safe in doing so. As you were riding along feeling good, you were pulled over. How could this happen? You were aligned and present in the moment. You felt no fear. Why would the universe do this to you? In your anger, you become indignant as the cop asks you for your license, registration and insurance papers. He asks you why you think he pulled you over and you grumble something incoherent. He returns to his patrol car and twenty minutes later he hands you a ticket for speeding. You look at this event and from your lower vibrational state you have no idea what just happened, what the lesson was, or what the limiting belief is. You are simply confused.

Or, you could use what you know and allow the situation to unfold differently while it's happening.

You're riding along, having a wonderful time and notice the flashing lights behind you. You instantly recognize that this is the start of a manifestation event and you keep your cool, realizing that you have power over the event itself. You do not allow negative emotion to arise within you because you are focused on the potentially positive aspects of this event. You have prepared yourself and you are fearless as the event unfolds because you know it has all been designed for you. This event would not be occurring if it wasn't designed to help you in some way. So you become eager to see what it has to offer and you do not allow your high vibration to slip.

You have all your paperwork ready for the cop as he approaches. You smile and say "Hello officer. It's a wonderful day, don't you think?" You see his demeanor shifting as he replies "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Without missing a beat you say "Because I was going a bit too fast and you were concerned for my safety and the safety of everyone else who might be using this road. You're right, I apologize."

You have nothing to fear. You know that you're freedom is guaranteed and you have complete control over your own reality. This manifestation event has not happened to you. It's not a bad thing. Nothing is wrong. The cop was just doing your job and it's fun for him to drive fast while he chases down speeders. He even waits a little while so they can get a head start and he gets to drive even faster. He doesn't want to give you a ticket. He hates all that paperwork. He wants to let you go. He just has to see that you understand him. And so he lets you off with a warning.

Now, the manifestation event has delivered its message whether you enter it willingly or whether you resist it. If you resist it, you have the opportunity to learn that you are free and you can shape your own reality, but that lesson is a little painful. Or you could go into it fearlessly knowing that there is something for you to get out of it and you can have fun while immersed in it. This way, you feel positive emotion afterward and you'll consider the event exhilarating. Don't try to change what happens in the moment, just flow with it, change your approach to it, and reach for the higher perspective.

All manifestation events can work like this. The event with your neighbor could have turned out differently if you didn't resist what was happening. Imagine if did not feel disparaged but instead you flowed love confidently. Imagine if you did not lower your high vibrational state of being and simply said "You're right. I apologize."

You don't have to be wrong for others to be right. Just look at it from their perspective and don't resist what's happening. If you don't want to love your neighbor then you don't have to. But these events may continue to arise in your reality until one of you transitions to the nonphysical. You're wishing he would transition soon and he's wishing you would. When you do, you'll both be best of friends. Isn't that funny?

