Steve Question #24


Dear Joshua,

There have been a very small handful of people in my life where I feel an instant connection almost like we have known each other forever. Can you shed some light as to what is going on here? I'm actually wondering why it doesn't happen more often since we are eternal and I must "know" a lot of people/souls throughout my "beingness".


Dear Steve,

You are eternally connected to everyone you know. However, you often do not feel that connectedness immediately. There are some with whom you feel an instant connection and with others you feel and instant dislike. You are connected with all of these people. When you feel a real, instant connection, it is simply that you believe they are good or right or something positive that you feel. This feeling is actually your alignment with your inner self. You are allowing yourself to feel the connection. You have this ability with absolutely everyone.

Without the presence of fear (which includes doubt, worry, distrust, caution, etc.) you could truly love everyone in your life, even those you don't like. The basis of who you are is love. When you notice positive aspects of someone, you create a channel of alignment with your inner self and you feel good. You suspend fear and allow the good feeling to emerge within you. You assume that feeling indicates a connection or love and it does. But the love you are feeling is your natural state of being. All you are doing is releasing fear.

Your vibration has a lot to do with the feeling of instant connection. You are emanating a vibration which attracts whatever is a match to that. You have many various desires and you are reating pathways to each of those desires. You might meet someone you feel is aligned with a desire or with a particular belief you have about yourself and the world. As they align with your beliefs, you begin to trust them and you drop your fears. The reduction of fear within you feels good and you associate that feeling with love or another word "connectedness."

You don't really love anyone. You look at them and you either allow yourself to be aligned with your inner self or not. The feeling you get when you are aligned is the feeling of love. You use the object of your attention to either feel aligned or not and you call this love or hate. If you look at someone and believe in their positive aspects, you are aligned with your inner self because this is how your inner self feels about this person. If you look at someone and see their negative aspects, you are looking at them in a way that is vastly different than how your inner self is seeing this person. That feels bad because it is guidance from within that you are not in alignment. You call this feeling hate, or disgust, or pity, or apathy, or distrust, or any other negative word.

So now let's think about why you feel connected to some but not everyone. As you said, you must be eternally tied to a lot of people. What is keeping you from feeling connected to everyone? Is this even possible? It is not only possible, it's natural. It's the way it would be if there was no fear. Without fear, you would not be able to meet anyone without feeling connection.

Does the connection you feel with someone feel good or bad? It feels good so you know it is right. When you meet someone and don't feel a connection does that feel good or bad? Well if it doesn't feel good then we would say there is some fear involved in that. Now you must analyze why you are not feeling connected (love) as you meet this person. What is the fear involved here? What are you noticing that you don't like? Why don't you like it? Why aren't you seeing the positive aspects? What do you have to lose?

Since it is your natural state to love and to be in alignment with your inner self, and you understand that the fear you feel is irrational, your work is to allow yourself to be connected to everyone. It is only your judgment that is keeping you from this connection you so desire. Learn to look for positive aspects and appreciate the nuances in others. Sometimes they will rub you the wrong way. This is indication that your judgement is out of alignment with what you really want and who you really are. Now it is time that you start thinking about this and begin to alter your reaction to people. It's time to remove your judgment of bad or wrong and realize that these judgments are made out of irrational fear and have no place in your experience.

You are eternally linked to everyone you know. In the nonphysical you are completely in love with all of them. In the physical you can be completely in love with all of them as well. It feels good to be in love. It feels bad to resist that love. Start feeling good and whenever you feel bad, think about what you are doing and return to love.

