Steve Question #12


Dear Joshua,

I have been on the lookout for negative emotion and today I had some :)

I was upset that my wife is insisting we take our cat to the vet to have a lump removed from her belly. I feel I don't want to spend the money and I believe this is in direct opposition to what my cat desires to manifest. Let me explain my reasoning - our cat (just like us) creates her reality which includes the lump. (why she would possibly do this is beyond me, she has an amazing life) So why would I spend money to remove something that she is deliberately creating? That same money could be used for "fun" things! Also, our kitty was obviously not happy about being put in a carrier and being loaded into the car - quite the opposite. It felt wrong to me on multiple levels. I understand my wife and I have differing perspectives on this matter and that we are both right, but bottom line is ultimately action is being taken based on my wife's perspective. Putting my foot down in this situation didn't make sense to me and it doesn't help that there is nobody that I know that would support my perspective and that quite the opposite is true - I'm quite the bad person for not wanting to take "responsible" care of my cat. I know ultimately I can afford this so it's not that big a deal for me to acquiesce to my wife's perspective and as a bonus I don't have all of our friends and relatives scorning me for the rest of my life.

There must be a limiting belief here. How do I find it? Taking this a step further, did my cat create this lump to bring this "situation" into my life, since this occurred in my reality?


Dear Steve,

We see at least four limiting beliefs just on the surface of this manifestation event. What we would like you to do is see how many you can identify yourself. Get a piece of paper and list as many possible limiting beliefs as you can then tell us what you have discovered. We will give you some direction.

This event is what we call a "Manifestation Event" and it serves a purpose. You, your wife, and your cat are the three main co-creative partners in this event. You each have a role to play and you each can receive benefit from this event if you can consciously observe the true nature of the event and reflect on the emotions that you felt during the event.

In the course of this event, you experienced negative emotion. Why? Because your perspective was not in alignment with your inner self or your wife. If your perspective was in alignment with your wife, you might still feel negative emotion, but that would be a different manifestation event.

Imagine that you had the same perspective as your wife within this one situation. Your wife has a motherly instinct. If this was one of your children, instead of your cat, you would feel the same as your wife even if you believed your child purposely manifested the lump. You would rush your child to the doctor. From your wife's perspective, she was doing the only thing she could do. It was natural to her. From her perspective, she is quite shocked that you don't see it as she does.

Now, even if you shared her perspective, and agreed on every point, she would still feel negative emotion. She fears the loss of her cat which causes the negative emotion. This is an irrational fear because nothing can be lost. You know that and we know that, but your wife has yet to learn that.

The other way to look at this event is from the higher perspective of your inner self. Imagine that you had no limiting beliefs. Without limiting beliefs, you could not feel negative emotion. If you saw everything from the higher perspective of your inner self, you would have no conflict, no pain, no arguments, or any issues. Wouldn't that be a preferable way to live?

But, if you operated from the higher perspective, then wouldn't everyone just walk all over you? Wouldn't you seem weak? Don't you need to stand up for your convictions? Have you ever noticed that being right in these moments doesn't really matter? You could be completely right, but if the other person can't see the situation from your perspective, it doesn't matter anyway. There's nothing to be gained. It's just conflict which does not serve you.

Now, think about all of the aspects of this manifestation event where you thought your wife was wrong. See if you can identify those parts that you disagreed with. What was the disagreement? How is your perspective different than your wife's? What if she was able to see the situation from your perspective? Would you even want that? Not really. You think it would be better if everyone shared your perspective, but that would not serve you in your journey to become who you really are. If you were surrounded by people who said "yes" to every idea you presented, you could not grow as you are now growing.

You really want people to see things from their own point of view. Your work is to understand their side of the situation, to see it from their eyes, to walk in their shoes, and to imagine how you would operate from their position. Now, if you can do that, and if you can see everything from the higher perspective, what do you think will be the result? Peace, harmony, and love. That's it. You will end up getting everything you want because you are operating from the most powerful stance imaginable.

Certainly, you may offer your perspective as well. But, from this stance of love (which is the higher perspective), you are not attached to your ideas. You offer them in love and if the other person chooses to accept your thoughts on the subject, then that is fine. If not, that is also fine. You want them to be as they are because you love them unconditionally. Anything less than unconditional love is operating out of fear. That's all you ever need to know.

We love you unconditionally. We love your wife unconditionally. You cat loves you both unconditionally.

