Steve Question #102


Dear Joshua,

I know that when I feel negative emotion that I have an opportunity to discover a false belief.

However, I seem to have difficulty in identifying these false beliefs. For example, we were headed out to the desert a couple days ago so we could watch the Perseid meteor shower in complete darkness, away from city lights and no moon (it was a new moon that night). We had left the house a little later than I had planned and I wanted to get to our destination before dark so we could see what we were doing when we were setting up camp for the night. On our way out there, we came up on a "slow" SUV and motorhome on a windy 2 lane road and they appeared to be looking for an address because they would both put there turn signals on, slow way down, look like they were going to turn off the road, but then continue on at the last second. They seemed oblivious to me following them, because they passed numerous turn outs that they could have easily pulled over and allowed me to pass, but for whatever reason they chose not to. I wasn't getting upset initially as I was just trying to go with the flow, but after the fourth "extreme slow down, turn signals on, looking like they are going to be turning off the road" but don't, I just lost it and very aggressively passed the SUV and wedged myself between the SUV and the motorhome all the while laying on my horn. The motorhome at this point pulled over allowing me to pass. (We had clear sailing the rest of the way and we arrived slightly before dark - perfect!)

I was initially disappointed that I had lost my temper - but I immediately tried to get the benefit of this "manifestation event" by trying to identify what the false belief behind it was. I thought the motorhome people were extremely rude considering they were practically stopping in the roadway several times and the road had very nice turnouts provided for them making it very easy to let me by. Each time they put on their turn signals and slowed way down, my hopes would come up that they were finally pulling off only to be let down as they would continue going down the road. And each time this would happen, it would get more frustrating.

Beliefs around this: people shouldn't be rude. Slow cars should pull over and let faster traffic go by (this is even posted). I was fearful that we would not arrive at the perfect time. This was supposed to be a fun trip and arriving late would not be fun. I was not "important enough" for them to bother pulling off the road and letting me go on my way. (They probably weren't thinking of me at all, likely wrapped up in their own world)

So I attracted this and I want to benefit from it. But, I still have not been able to identify a false belief. I'm still working on a "recipe" for rooting out these false beliefs. Your insights, as always, much appreciated.


Dear Steve,

Whenever you feel negative emotion as a result of something you are observing in the moment, it is your indication of a limiting belief. The belief is limiting because it restricts your experience in the moment and as a belief it creates momentum. In other words, your beliefs inform your vibration. Since you receive that which is a match to your vibrational signal, any limiting belief restricts the quality of your signal.

We understand that it is quite difficult to receive the benefit of a manifestation event while you're caught up in it. One of the reasons it is important for you to strive to feel good is so that you become vividly aware anytime you do not feel good. You feel bad and since it is not how you are used to feeling, you really notice it. Now that you feel negative emotion, how you respond dictates what you will receive in the future. Let's take a look at your recent manifestation event.

There is a lot of momentum involved in this one and that's why it's difficult to see the limiting belief that is responsible for the manifestation of these two slow-moving vehicles. Let's start at the beginning of your story. You were running late. What does this tell you? What do you feel when you're running late? You feel fear. If you felt joy at the thought of being late, being late wouldn't matter. Since it matters to you, you feel fear. You automatically think thoughts of what could go wrong as a result of being late. These thoughts, as you well know, affect your vibration. Your vibration is a signal to the universe. What your vibration emits attracts a match. If you fear being late, you attract two slow-moving vehicles.

The limiting belief is that being late is wrong. You also have a limiting belief that being early is wrong. The only way you're happy in this scenario is to be on time. Since you cannot control everything, this puts you in a sticky position. You'd be unhappy if you arrived too early because you might consider that a waste of time and you'd be unhappy if you're late because there are things you think you need to do before it gets dark.

So then, knowing that being late or being early are both equally right, since there is no wrong nywhere in the universe, how could you alter your limiting beliefs? Before we go on to that, is it even necessary to change your beliefs about being early or tardy? It definitely is, because these beliefs are limiting and they limit your experience of this reality. What you intended was to experience the full potential of this reality. Limiting beliefs limit your experience. When you feel that something is wrong, you resist what you want from manifesting. When you learn to know that everything is right, you ease your resistance and allow what you want to come to you. Therefore, how you react differently when faced with the same old condition, dramatically raises your vibration.

One day you'll get this fully. Until that day comes you'll have to try and look at it from another perspective. When you first felt the tinge of annoyance that you were running late, that was the time to change your mind. At the first sign of any slightly negative emotion you must seek thoughts that soothe you enough so that you feel relief. You stop the momentum by thinking better-feeling thoughts. So rather than jumping ahead to thoughts of gloom and doom, you might realize that things are always working out for you. You might think "We're running a little late. I wonder what good things will come from this? Maybe we'll miss the traffic. Maybe we'll miss the accident. Maybe we'll see something remarkable that will affect the rest of our lives and if we didn't leave exactly when we did, we would have missed it altogether." Now these thoughts are no more or less accurate than the thoughts of gloom and doom. However, they are far more vibrationally charged and are likely to bring you what you want rather than what you do not want, which is two slow-moving vehicles blocking your path.

It is time that you admit to yourself that this is your personal reality, that things have been and are continuing to work out for you, and that you receive exactly what you are focused on whether that object of your attention is something wanted or not. It's time to admit that you create it all and if you want to create unwanted conditions then continue to worry, blame and become annoyed. If you want to allow all the wonderful things to come to you then start looking at it from the higher perspective as quickly as you can and have a little faith in the universe and in yourself.

The negative emotion you felt as you blew your horn at these lovely people was your indication that you were not acting as your highest self in that moment. You were not angry with them, you were angry with yourself. You were simply using them as your excuse to temporarily be someone you're not. That's perfectly understandable. You're learning a whole new approach to life and you have certain fears that you'll flesh out one by one. It doesn't get any easier because it's a life-long continual journey of progression. You might think you should be farther ahead, but no one has gone as far as you in such short time. We are amazed by you.

You are loved more than you could even begin to imagine.

