Kate Question #91


Dear Joshua

Some say: "follow your passion, the money will follow", but that would probably only happen if you truly have that belief, or don't think about money – because one of my beliefs is "let's be realistic – this is it, you work to make money to feed yourself and occasionally do something fun"… not very satisfying or helpful as a belief. How can I change that belief to "money flows to me abundantly no matter what I do" (or something along the lines of "I have everything I want and need and all is well")?

I know – I need to be appreciating what I have (which I recognize is a lot compared to some). I find I lack time to have fun. I have fun, I love my weekends – I would like more weekends. In fact, time is an issue – there is too much of it in the office and not enough of it for my own pleasures. Or maybe there is. Maybe if I had more time for my pleasures, the pleasures would no longer be pleasures so much?

These questions are being triggered by the part in the book I've just read and being true to yourself, and with my weekend just past, which I spent "back home", helping my mum with tech stuff, which was frustrating but fun; and with her and other people I love. And visiting this friend in hospital who I love, and really just feeling more love this weekend than I usually feel in any given month. Love for the place, for the people, for the activities, etc. Maybe that is what I want – to feel more love – more often – for more things, or maybe I just want to hang out with these people and do these things on a daily basis, but that seems (in the eyes of others anyway) limited in terms of growth – it seems safe.

And what about my "work"? What is work, why work, how to find work we love and thrive in and where the work time is like the weekend time?

LOL – I'm like a squash ball today … all over the place


Dear Kate,

When you are following your passion, do you know what you're doing vibrationally? You are allowing. When you allow, you attract abundance. We define abundance as the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it. If you need lunch and you have the money for lunch, then that is abundance. If you need to pay rent and you have the money for rent, then that is abundance. Having a lot of money in the bank so you can sit around and spend time with friends is no more abundant that having what you need, when you need it. You just think it is and that's the illusion.

When you see a flock of birds flying in formation, do you understand that they are as abundant as you? The universe provides for their abundance just as it does for you. When they need to eat, they are guided to a field full of things to eat. They don't put extra food in a bag to take along with them. They know that there will be another field whenever they need to eat again.

You believe that you must save for a rainy day and work hard and because this is your belief, this is your approach to life. You believe the only way you can quit your job is to have another job lined up. You believe the only way to have true freedom is to amass a fortune. Yet, none of this is true. You are provided for whether you work in your office or not. However, the difference is in your beliefs.

You might believe that you could make it following your passion (whatever that may be), but your lifestyle would suffer. You might even believe you could get another job, but not with the same level of income. Since these are your beliefs, this is your life. Can you alter your beliefs? Certainly. But like every belief, you must find some evidence. The more compelling the evidence, the easier it is to drop the limiting beliefs.

But none of that really matters. You are engaged in this conversation with us and you are moving from one approach to life to a higher, more effective approach. You've been operating on your own, in your own haphazard manner, for a while. There's momentum there. Now we ask that you approach life from a new paradigm. We ask that you choose to live by utilizing the forces of the universe in a conscious way. Maybe you can do this, maybe not.

In this new approach to life, you understand that there is no such thing as time, only a series of moments that give the illusion of time. When you're in your office, you are wishing you could be out having fun with the people you love. When you are out having fun with the people you love, you are dreading going back to work. However, without the work, the time with friends would not be so pleasurable. On the other hand, when you are at work, focus on this important part of your life and learn to enjoy it and appreciate it for what it brings. Don't simply wish it was different. Lean in and make it good by focusing on the positive aspects and releasing your irrational fear.

You are unique to all the world. You are valuable as you are. When you are authentically who you are, you are more valuable than you could imagine. There is something for you to do here. It could be what you're doing right now. It could be similar to what you're doing right now. It could be a new approach to what you're doing right now. However, the way you create value is by doing it in a way that only you can. When you tap into that unique expression of who you are, everything will change.

