Kate Question #70


Dear Joshua

I got a check from a client (now), today. The first one in about 4-5 years of prospecting. I had to smile (and appreciate and feel proud). Limiting beliefs still kick in though:

"I'm going to fall back into fear that I can't reproduce that (see, I'm still thinking its all on me).

I'm going to have to work harder with this client (limiting belief - why would that be the case, I can keep the same pace and just thank him and see what happens)


Dear Kate,

It's interesting to see that you can't even have a negative thought without proving it's false. How wonderful! It's becoming automatic. Doesn't it feel silly to entertain these irrational fears when you know so much? It will get harder and harder for you to come up with fearful thoughts and as they do, you'll squash them with proof that they are irrational and are therefore invalid in your experience. All you need to do is look forward in happy anticipation of what's coming next.

You attracted the client. You attracted the check. You will attract more clients and more checks. The universe brought you what you wanted because you allowed yourself to get in the vibrational vicinity of it. That's good work. That's the only work you need to do. Insecurity or lack of confidence will no longer do for you. No more comparison to others. You get what you want when you allow for the fact that you are worthy of it and you deserve it. You make this fun and interesting and as you do, your confidence and interest will increase. That's all the work that's required.

With Love,
