Kate Question #61


Dear Joshua

I got my hands so in the clay this weekend and I realized I was in over my head with my re-decorating. It was fun to start with it and then it was a lot of work (and exercise) so I ended up calling someone who had been recommended to me and he leaped over this evening (young and sprightly) and told me everyone should stick to their chosen profession (having seen the mess I made) and gave me a great quote (I thought) to fix it all up (while I'm on holiday in May), so I was happy, relieved and excited.

My boyfriend told me I didn't haggle enough (I don't like to haggle, so I guess that is his thing) and my mum told me (earlier), to not haggle too much, that the guy is a pro and knows prices. So here I am stuck in the middle of two people giving me their opinions, and they might both be right - it doesn't matter - I'm happy. I love them both and they are looking out for me - and their advice is good but very different. Who do I listen to - the wise one, the haggler one, or myself and learn from the outcome?


Dear Kate,

If you had trust in the universe to bring you what you needed when you needed it, would you ever doubt that the thing that showed up in response to your request was not the perfect thing, at the perfect time? If you were to simply allow that whatever came from a place of pure positive intention was right, then it would be right for you. Now what does all of this entail?

If you were living as the being of pure positive love that you are, you would trust that whatever came to you was right for you. From your state of perfect alignment, you would live fully in the state of allowing. This means that if it comes to you, it's for your benefit. Now, from this enlightened and loving state of being, you would only see the good in everything. You could not see the wrong. You could not fear anything. You could not judge something as bad. It would all be good because for you it is all good. There is no wrong. So, from this state of being, whatever came would be exactly the right thing at the right time in the right amount. You would never second guess anything about it and fear would not play a part in any of it.

Let's move back to your life where there is much love and appreciation and understanding of the laws of the universe, but also a little fear. You believe that you might be taken advantage of and so it might be appropriate to cover your ass by haggling on price. This is a fear-based approach to life. One fear is that you might pay too much and be taken advantage of and another fear is that abundance is limited and money is in short supply. Do you see how these are limiting beliefs. Do you see how your reality can be affected by such beliefs?

Imagine that the universe delivered to you the best possible person for the job. If you are in a state of appreciation, faith and acceptance, the universe would bring you someone who matched this vibration and everything would go as planned. Would this person be the least expensive of all possible options? Certainly not. The universe doesn't care about the price because the universe knows that money is available to you in abundance. You will have as much of it as you need when you need it if you trust it and allow it. So to haggle on price is to interfere with the perfect manifestation of the perfect person to do the perfect work at the perfect time. It is all just fear.

If you were to hire this person but also maintain the fear that you were being ripped off, you would have a bump in your vibration and you would encounter a manifestation event that would seem to manifest a situation which would confirm your fears. It's all part of the Law of Attraction. If you were to have faith that everything is working out for you just as it is, your boyfriend may carry the fear that your being ripped off and something could manifest to prove him right as well. This is just how reality works when your vibrations are mixed up. Manage your vibration by not bringing things like this up with those around you. By keeping their fears and limiting beliefs out of the issue, it will make it a lot easier for you to maintain a steady vibration of ease and allowing.

So if something happens to prove your boyfriend right, then so be it. But just trust that whatever comes is right and the price is always right too. If it's right, it's all right. You'll know it when it's right. If there is a little fear, then expect a few bumps to come along. You'll learn from the experience and you came here for the experience of life. Everything is good, you can't get it wrong, and you'll never get it finished.

