Kate Question #31


Dear Joshua,

I appreciate you working with me on my vibration – this is a gift like I could not even imagine. What am I looking for? More understanding? More joy? More peace? More ease and flow? Or something else?

I know this will all make sense to you.


Dear Kate,

What you are looking for is the evolution of Kate. You, like everyone, is moving out of fear and toward love. You are becoming whom you really are. You are moving toward the highest version of you while you are here on Earth. You are expanding.

What you notice most about your life is the chasm between who you are being and who you really are. While you cannot imagine the magnificence of who you really are, you understand that you are not even close to living as the highest version of you. The difference between who you are being now and who you really are is the amount of fear you carry with you. As you reduce fear, you move closer to being the highest expression of who you are.

Just imagine if you lived without fear. That's all you need to think about. That fearless version of you would experience life in a completely different way. There would be no anger, envy, sorrow, sadness, disappointment, comparisons, worry, judgment or any other negative feeling. If you lived without fear, you would not perceive anything in a negative way. You would be fully actualized and you would align with the forces of the universe. You would become the powerful woman you know is there.

When you release your fears, you let love move through your very being. You are a pure positive being of love. That's who you really are. Anything less is made so through the burden of a bundle of fears. As you reduce the intensity of these fears, you allow more love to flow. With the reduction of fear, your vibration rises. When you raise your vibration, your world shifts to reflect your new vibrational signal. Everything you desire will flow forth from this.

As you relinquish old fears and your vibration is raised in the process, you expand. You move to a new place and your reality changes to match your new vibration. In this new reality, you feel exhilaration because it is so much more than it was before. However, new fears will surface and block your path to further progress. Again you must work to reduce the intensity of these new fears and again you'll move onward and upward to an even better experience of life. This is the never-ending process of expansion.

You cannot stand still because soon you would get dissatisfied with your position. You want to expand. You want to face your fears and move through them. This is an exhilarating aspect of physical life. Think about it for a moment. If you were placed on a beautiful island where all your needs were met and you now had nothing left to fear, you would get bored of that tranquil life within a few weeks. You would miss your busy city and your challenging job. You would miss the things you find interesting in life. You would miss the hustle and bustle. You enjoy the process of expansion. You enjoy not knowing what's coming. This is the stuff of life.

Joy comes from expansion. It's just that you are not yet realizing that this is what you came for. If you wanted to play it safe, you would have stayed in the nonphysical realm. The physical realm is for adventure seekers. Once you know how the game is played and once you understand the rules, you will come to know that joy is created out of your conscious ability to expand in every moment. As you move consciously to greater levels of expansion, you will ease your way into it and not struggle against it by putting up more resistance than is necessary. When you play the game as intended, you will feel peace. When you know you are loved and supported as you play the game, you will begin to feel more love for yourself and compassion for those around you still struggling with their game.

You are a being of love.

