Kate Question #3


Dear Joshua

Do you, Theo, Abraham, and others all have different areas to work on with different people? Why would some be attracted to you, others to Theo, others to Abraham (I am attracted to all three since the fundamental message dovetails to: all is well, we are eternal etc).

Thank you,

Dear Kate,

We all teach the same basic principles, yet in different ways. The channel is a cocreative partner and it is the channel's interest and life experience that creates the specific flow of information. Esther likes the broad approach, while Gary likes detail. Neither is more right than another, it is simply a new expression of the same message; You create your own reality.

If one message or one messenger spoke to all people in the same way, there would just be one and that would do nicely. However, every person is unique and all are at various stages of consciousness. What one finds interesting and acceptable in one teacher, he or she may not resonate with the style of another teacher. It all has to do with one's own unique vibration.

All of these teachers (and there are many more than you know) are on the leading edge of thought. Since there are few on this leading edge, only those at the highest levels of consciousness can begin to comprehend their messages. As more are becoming a vibrational match, more will choose to listen to the message of one or more teachers.

It is an evolving thing and while you are momentarily enticed by what we have to say, you will move on to other teachers as your vibration is altered. You come to us at a very high vibration relative to most in your society, yet this experience will raise your vibration even further and you will become a match to other teachers. This is simply the way vibration works. While you may hold a fondness for us and maintain your awareness of our teachings, you will likely evolve faster than our message and you will hunger for new and higher teachings. There will always be a teacher teaching at the furtherest edge of thought and you will always be on that edge.

