Kate Question #117


Dear Joshua,

I was voted number 10 out of approximately 100 sales people, by the fund managers on a yearly vote. My young whippersnapper colleague was voted number 9... and the other sales people in my company arrived behind. Of course I'm delighted (and that whippersnapper and me are so close, it would have been embarrassing to not be) and it does give me a bit more confidence in my skills so that is good.

I think my bosses were quite pleased by us both too. There is so much more to learn - there is so much I would like to master and don't in this field, but I don't want to do the work... lol. But to really master subjects must feel good. An English woman came in at number one. Apparently she's good (I had already heard of her) - what is she doing that I could do? What is she doing and feeling that I'm not? Maybe she simply has more drive?


Dear Kate,

Previously you had thought that your young colleague was annoying and wrong. We suggested that he was there for you. He was there to show you another perspective. He was there to alert you to some of your limiting beliefs. He came into your office because he was sent there specifically to help you. He was and is a gift to you so that you might get all that you want.

You might still be unable to see his arrival as a gift, but he is. He is what you have been asking for. He does not come wrapped with a bow and so your resistance to what you think he is causes you to feel negative emotion. You are looking at him from a limited perspective which is caused by fear. You believed that his arrival was a prelude to something bad happening. However, as it is now starting to play out, it is something very good indeed. If you could see how his arrival was created for your specific benefit, you would not have felt any negative emotion because there would have been no fear.

You can only feel negative emotion when you feel fear. If there is no fear, there can be no negative emotion. The fear creates a false perception of what is really happening. The fear is irrational and therefor it is false. You cannot know how things will turn out for your benefit, but you can have faith and your faith that things are always working out for you will alleviate some of your fear.

Imagine if you had seen your new, young colleague as he came into your life from the higher perspective. Imagine that you were certain that his arrival meant that you were on your way to receiving something you wanted very much. How would you have felt about him then? Imagine that you saw his aggressiveness as part of the plan and not as a bad thing. You would have felt joy at everything that annoyed you. You were making it all up and your negative emotion told you that you were looking at the subject in a way that was completely out of line with the reality of the situation.

Maybe his arrival challenged you. Maybe he inspired you. Maybe he helped you alter your perspective. Maybe he will do more to get you to where you want to be than anything else. Maybe he was right all along. When something or someone enters your life, it is a vibrational match to you and it is for your highest good. Embrace it all without fear and you will not suffer through negative emotion.

You were inspired to notice that an English woman came in at number one. You see that you have some things in common. You imagine that you might emulate her style. You think you might learn something from her and this is true. However, she is number one because she has a very specific set of beliefs that are a vibrational match to being number one. The only thing you can emulate is her set of beliefs and expectations. However, they are based on her specific experience of life. You can certainly adopt and intensify what you know to be her beneficial beliefs and this will be very good. But in order for you to move forward, you will have to analyze and reduce the intensity of your own limiting beliefs. She cannot tell you what to do, she can only be an example of a woman who does not allow her limiting beliefs to stand in the way of what she wants.

