Kate Question #110


Dear Joshua,

Can you help get a bit more clarity on this overwhelment response, please? When you say "stop doing, start being", do you mean focus less on what "needs" to be done and more on just feeling good?

And if I'm feeling overwhelmed and would really like to change my perception, what would be a helpful new perception? A full life? My creation for my pleasure? Am I doing this to prove to myself my importance? I know I'm arguing for my limitations here, and I understand that one of the most beneficial things I can do for myself is get to the knowing that the universe is taking care of me. But I had to fill out my taxes, and I had to get the wallpaper sorted for the painter, and be at work, and organize roadshows, etc. etc. And of course the world will continue to turn and I won't die if I don't do any of this, but my life will be a bit messy if I don't get these things done, and I can't afford to hire someone to do them for me.

I know I'm looking at this in a way which is limiting. Can you guide me to a different perception, or a new understanding? I don't really want to have that sort of pressure when I get back from vacation. I did manage to take care of everything, by the way, but I wasn't much fun to be around.

With love,

Dear Kate,

We think you have it! We think you're right on the edge of understanding all of this. Just a little more talking and you'll be right there.

What would happen if nothing got done? You assume it would be bad, but would it? Your world is created by your vibration. It responds to you. You can't get it wrong no matter what you do not do. If you are not inspired to do something, then simply do not do it. If you do do it, when you don't want to do it, when it is not fun, then result of your actions will not be for your benefit in the long run. If you are not inspired, you are not engaging the forces of the universe and the result of your action will not be rewarding. It is just not worth it.

However, we think that you were inspired. We think that you did engage the forces of the universe. We think that everything did turn out alright. We just think that you were kicking and screaming every step of the way. The only difference was your perception. The only thing that didn't make any of this fun was your perception of lack of time and lack of assistance. This caused you to feel stress. Your perspective was not high. A higher perspective would have been, "I have have a lot to do and it's going to be so fun to engage the forces of the universe to get it all done on time. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds. Watch me while I leverage universal forces to make the impossible look easy."

A limited perspective would sound like this; "I have too much to do. How can one person handle all of this? It's not fair. It's not right? I need help, but no one will help me? What am I going to do?"

The first perspective takes into account that universal forces will be engaged, but only if your expectation and mood are aligned with this higher perspective. The second perspective is one of resistance and it just makes things much more difficult.

You were inspired to do your taxes because you believe that you must and so you did what you believed was the right thing to do. You were inspired to pick out wallpaper because you want a beautiful home. You were inspired to complete your tasks at work because you care what your bosses think of you. All of your activities were inspired by your desires. This is how inspiration works, but you were resistant because you have a set of limiting beliefs.

Realize that you do not need to do anything unless you want to do it. Nothing drastic will happen. Your pressure is self-induced. You are making it all up. It is your wild imagination that creates perceived ramifications for lack of inspired action. If you are not inspired to do something, don't do it. If you want to engage the forces of the universe in everything you do, look at it from a perspective that allows inspiration to flow.

The one thing that will help is to think about fun. Be fun to be around. Do things that are fun. Make everything you decide to do fun. You create the fun. Start thinking about having fun in every single thing you do. Life is supposed to be fun.

Another thing to think about is ease. You must find the state of ease. You must expect things to be easy. You must engage the forces of the universe to help you so that everything you do becomes easier. You must not be frantic or stressed, but calm and easy. Don't take everything so seriously, take it easy.

With all our love,
