Isabelle Question #72


Hi Joshua,

This is the sixth of Deepak Chopra's Seven Laws to Success.

6. The Law of Detachment - The search for security and certainty is actually an attachment to the known. The unknown is the field of all possibilities, ever fresh, ever new, always open to the creation of the new manifestations. Relinquish your attachment to the known, step into the unknown, and you will step into the field of possibilities. This keeps the mystery, the wonder, the excitement and the adventure alive. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS. It has been what you've been showing us; money is security (fear) and fear of the unknown, is the fear of loss.

With love your student,

Dear Isabelle,

Yes, release your attachment to what is. In the moment, you might fear loss. But in the moment, you have lost nothing. Everything still exists. What you fear is the unknown. But if the universe is yielding to what you want, then the unknown holds all of that. There is no security in the known. Your security lies in the unknown.

This might sound a bit counter-intuitive to you. Security does not exist within the known, nor is that ever possible, because security can only exist in the unknown; in the ether of possibilities. You are receiving a match to the vibration you are offering. There is security in that. There is no security in trying to control the conditions. The only reason you control the conditions is due to the fear of the unknown and that is the fear of loss. If you could lose nothing, then you would have no fear of loss and no fear of the unknown.

Without the fear of loss, you would be willing to allow whatever is coming to come to you. This is the new approach to life. If you believe that everything is for you, then you cannot fear the unknown because it can only be filled with things that are for you. In fact, you would welcome the unknown. You would embrace the unknown. You are born explorers and explorers relish that which is unknown. Here you are living the life of the explorer and you are living in fear of that which you are here to explore. From our perspective, that makes no sense.

Give up your fear of the unknown by giving up your attachment to things as they are. You will not lose anything that is useful or necessary. You cannot keep that which is unnecessary for very long. You are being moved toward the unfolding of your true desires, therefore you can release your attachment to what is and allow the unfolding of what is coming or you can try to hold onto everything while your world continues to change. That is a resistant way to live and that is the old approach to life.

There is no real security in money. Money is simply proof of your overall confidence with your life. It is also a side effect to living an abundant and allowing life. However, money never provides security. You can use it as an excuse to feel secure or not, but it is still an excuse. If you are very insecure regarding money, you might stockpile a fortune, but the money will never make you secure because your security is built on the money. You're attached to the money and so you actually live a more insecure life. The feelings of insecurity cause you to create conditions that on the outside appear to be secure, but in reality they are meaningless and your mind will create fears around security because that's how you already feel. It's just a reflection of the vibration you are offering. If you are attached to anything, there is a wobble in your vibration. Ease the wobble by realizing that you cannot lose anything.

With our love,
We are Joshua
