Isabelle Question #65


Hi Joshua,

Not sure if anyone asked about Hurricane Irma yet, but I got the sense that Earth is moving energy around and it is all for our highest good, all this change. From the Hurricane in Texas, the earthquake in Mexico, to Irma, it seems that transformation is happening. Am I on the right path?

With Love,

Dear Isabelle,

The only constant in physical reality is change. Well, uniqueness is another constant. Well, the universal laws are also rather consistent and constant. Okay, lots of things are constant in physical reality, including change. Why is that? Because if everything was the same, what would be the purpose of physical reality. The fact that things are changing in every moment is the key to discovering that physical reality has a purpose.

Look at the characteristics of time and space in physical reality. Time creates change in every moment. Space allows you to change with every step. What changes? Everything, but most importantly, your perspective changes. What do hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and other "disasters" create? They create change, but the change is really a change in perspective by all those who experience these events.

Imagine if you life a rather dull life and a hurricane sweeps through your town. Things are damaged. Lives are uprooted. You have a new perspective on that dull life of yours. It wasn't that dull after all. From this new perspective, you can see how wonderful that life really was. With this new perspective, you can create new desires. If everything remained the same, many people would life the same old life never really appreciating how wonderful it is and the desires would all be the same because the perspective remains unchanged.

In this modern world, you do not need to experience the event itself to have a new perspective on your life. You can see what is happening to others on TV and the internet and then see your life from a new and higher perspective as you imagine what they are going through. You can send them love and assistance and in doing so you automatically appreciate the life you are suddenly enjoying so much more.

Yes, hurricanes bring winds of change, both literally and figuratively. They bring in the new and cast out the old. The new is always more desirable even if you think it's wrong or the method is bad. But most of all, the hurricane brings with it something you really, really want; new perspectives. You may perceive that the hurricane is a bad thing, but from our perspective high above it (and having fun within it) we think it's a marvelous thing indeed and so will you as soon as you life your perspective just a bit.

With our love,
We are Joshua
