Isabelle Question #64


Hi Joshua,

I came across a channeled message from Archangel Michael and the message discussed being in heart centered love and not the mind. Can you go more into the difference of the universal mind and the universal heart? The reason why I ask is because my daughter asked for help on some homework and her question was about mindfulness and I laughed. I was thinking it is not mindfulness but heartfulness? Am I on the right path on this? This is a feeling Universe, which means it is from the heart. And... are thoughts just an expression of feeling?

With Love,

Dear Isabelle,

Are your thoughts entering your mind or are they entering your consciousness? Where is your consciousness centered? In the mind, in the heart, in the body, or outside the body? If you were to leave your body and drift off, would you still have thoughts, would you still hear and see and even feel? Of course you would. So we believe that the mind and the heart are not really involved, but it is the consciousness of the individual that is the receiver of the thoughts and the feelings.

To say that thoughts exist in the brain (mind) and the feelings exist in the heart is simply an expression of how it might physically feel to you. You tend to feel feelings in your solar plexus, which feels like your heart. You can feel thoughts in your head and this feels like where the thoughts are received in the brain. But thoughts and feeling exist in consciousness. If the consciousness is in the body, then it seems as if thoughts and feelings originate from the body and we certainly understand your confusion. But when you leave your body (even when you are alive in an out-of-body experience) you still receive and transmit thoughts and experience feelings.

Mindfulness could be another term for consciousness. Mindfulness is the awareness of how your thoughts make you feel. The understanding of the relationship between the thoughts you think and the feelings that emerge as a result is an excellent thing to be mindful of, because this is the basis of your inner guidance system. When you are heart-centered, you are paying attention to how your thoughts make you feel and this is a very good way to approach life. A heart-centered approach to life is one that pays close attention to your inner guidance system rather than trying to control the conditions outside of you.

The new approach to life is one of allowing. It is being more authentic in every moment. It's paying attention to how you feel and choosing perspectives that allow you to feel good. By processing your fears, you seek not to change the conditions, but rather you are changing your judgment and opinion of the conditions. This approach of being feeling-centered is aligned with the laws of the universe. This approach will allow you to become a vibrational match to all that you truly want.

The old approach to life is one of control and you might call that mind-centered. It is one of ignoring your feelings and acting on the urges and compulsions that arise out of fear. It is doing things through the resistance to what is and making things happen that are aligned with the fear in order to erase the fear. Actions taken out of fear will never create anything that helps you manifest your true desires. However, they will often lead to the manifestation of your false desires.

If you feel insecure, you can behave in a way that causes others to appear to like you, but that affection is never true unconditional love, for as soon as you behave in a way they do not like, they will remove their love. You might have manifested a false desire for people to appear to like you and approve of you, but since you never needed their approval or love, it was simply a manifestation of a false desire and was not at all aligned with any of your true desires or who you really are.

A feeling-centered approach to life will allow you to uncover your limiting beliefs and address your fears rather than a control-centered approach, which will ask the conditions and people to be different than they are simply so your fears will be eased. The only way to ever become a vibrational match to all that you truly want is to alter your vibration through the modification of your beliefs. You can call this a heart-centered approach if you want and we would never argue with that.

With our love,
We are Joshua
