Isabelle Question #41


Hi Joshua,

So I had a manifestation event over the weekend on conflict. My husband threw out a guest at our house. Typically I would have been upset, embarrassed and would have felt sorry for everyone around, but this time, I was totally ok with it. Not upset, and found it curious. I realized it was ok for them to go through the event for each of them. No one was wrong, I didn't make them wrong and accepted it. It was new feeling for me to be ok with conflict, because I grew up with so much conflict that I shied away from it as much as possible. I can't even watch embarrassing sitcoms as I feel sorry for the characters. After the event, I sent love and light to both. I'm pleasantly surprised by this new concept of conflict. I now can view it as interesting instead of fearing it. Seeing conflict, like watching a play on the stage, has really helped me (thank you Astrid and Laurel!). I'm excited for this new development, because my desire to raise my vibration is strong!

With Love,
Your student Isabelle

Dear Isabelle,

When you understand that there is no wrong, then that will lessen the intensity of conflict. When you can detach your idea of self from the event, or the results, then that will lessen the intensity of the fear. It will make it so much easier to maintain your alignment when you understand that all such events are only for those who are experiencing emotion to the extent of the intensity of that emotion. Highly intense negative emotions signal strong resistance. Lower intensity negative emotions indicate less resistance. The fact that you felt little to no negative emotion while witnessing this event proves that you have little to no resistance around this conflict and that is a very, very good thing. It proves that you are expanding as intended and you are adopting a new and higher perspective.

When you can choose to see everything from a higher perspective of curiosity, rather than wishing things were different, you can see how the event is for you and for all of the people involved. Often, it will be surprisingly obvious to you, but rarely obvious to the person experiencing the conflict. When you detach yourself from the outcome or from any meaning the event might have, you can see very clearly. It is only when you get caught up in the fear that the true purpose of the event becomes lost on you. You were never meant to feel irrational fear as strongly and intensely as you might feel rational fear. You were never supposed to worry about what people think of you in the same way you might worry about the lion in your living room. If you understand how perception and vibration create unique perspectives for all people, you can understand that it never matters what another thinks of you. When you understand how reality unfolds to bring you what you want, then you never have to be inauthentic and try to get others to like you. You do not have to engage in conflict. You don't have to defend your position. And you never have to worry about being taken advantage of because you refused to engage in conflict. Rather than shying away from conflict, you can diffuse it before it happens. By maintaining your composure and looking all all such events with curiosity and interest, you engage the forces of the universe and you maintain access to infinite intelligence. Look at everything from the perspective that allows you to maintain your alignment and your fears will be diffused. You can also empathize with the perception of others who are consumed with fear during the manifestation event itself. When you can see what they must be perceiving (fear), you can understand their actions stemming from urges are designed to control the conditions and mitigate the fear. This is when they will try to make you or someone else wrong so that they can feel they are right.

Ease and alignment will help you move through these events. The more often to can hold onto the higher perspective, the easier things will become and the faster you will move to the elevated vibration that will allow your true desires to unfold into your reality.

With our love for you,
We are Joshua
