Isabelle Question #35


Hi Joshua,

I feel all the love and support around me. I know that I am not alone, but I'm finding it is hard not to fill in my grid. Yes, I know it is out of fear and I have a limited view. My nonphysical supporters are telling me to it let go. Isis even sent me a message that money was like a pacifier. I no longer need the pacifier, everything is provided for.

But atlas I have resistance, maybe from momentum. I have such a desire or urge to fix a problem, which I know there it isn't a problem. LOL. Everything is for me! The flow of money is being felt in my house making me want to fix it. I was going to withdraw some funds from savings. But I suspect this is filling in the grid.

Thank you for your help with this,

With Love,

Dear Isabelle,

If you have a desire, you can use the money to fulfill the desire. Often, the money is the path of least resistance. Sometimes, you think that you should receive money from a certain source. Sometimes, you belief it is not right to use savings, get a loan, or ask for a gift, yet these are all valid sources of abundance. When you deem a source of abundance wrong, you simply limit the manifestation of your desire.

Imagine you have a leak in your roof. You might think the leak is wrong and be upset that you have to buy a new roof. You might begrudge the fact that you have to take money out of your savings, because the abundance you experience is finite and you believe that savings are real. You might begrudge the costs of a loan and therefore restrict the way abundance can flow to you. You might even think that money from a loan is not true abundance. You might resist asking someone for a gift so that you can fix the leak. The leak is not a problem, it's your perception of abundance that is the issue. It's based in fear. Release the fear that anything wrong can exist in the universe. The source of the abundance is never wrong, no matter what form it takes. The problem itself is never wrong. All that exists is a fear. Process the fear and you create the reality you prefer.

Is there a leak in your roof? Are you supposed to live with it? Does that make any sense at all? Is this a preferred condition? No? Then don't fix the leak, for the leak is just there to point out a wobble in your vibration. The leak highlights a fear. The leak is a very mild messenger. It could be a broken toe. It could be something more obvious and painful. See the leak as a messenger, appreciate the message, identify the limiting beliefs based in fear, and move to the preferred condition.

The preferred condition is a leak-free roof. Good. Move toward that. What will that require? A new roof. Awesome, you get a new roof. Appreciate how nice it will feel to live in a watertight house. Now, are you going to replace the roof yourself? No. Are you going to win the lottery? Unlikely. What is the path of least resistance? It could be your savings, a loan, a gift from friends or relatives or a combination of all these sources. What's easiest? What's most obvious? What feels best? If you understand abundance, then you understand that everything you need is always there for you when you need it. Is there a savings account? Perfect. What else is it there for besides a new roof? Oh no, if you drain the savings account, you'll lose your feeling of security. Well, that's up to you. It's not the universe's job to make you feel secure. That's on you. Oh no, you wanted you use it for something else. You can have the something else whenever you really want the something else. When you are ready for it, the money (or some other resource) will show up when needed as needed and not a moment too soon.

So re-evaluate your idea of right and wrong. Know that everything is there when you need it. It's not a problem, it's just a nice little messenger. Pay attention to this message before it becomes more obvious and everything will work out perfectly as it always does.

You have a desire and in order to become a match to your desire, you must alter your vibration. Your vibration around abundance needs to be altered if you are to receive all you have asked for. This thing you think is a problem is a way for you to alter your beliefs. In doing so, you alter your vibration and you enter a new reality that is a little bit closer to the unfolding of your desires.

With our love,
We are Joshua
