Isabelle Question #29


Hi Joshua,

So my teeth do feel much better, thank you for your advice. I didn't end up picking up my prescription. I did cry on the way home from the pain and came away with the message that I am the light. I am part of all that is, I am one with Source. I knew it from a knowledge stance but maybe I had to feel it? Then I stated the statement "I am not alone," and it flowed out of me, causing more tears. But what is odd, I think I knew that and didn't think I felt alone. I know that I am a light worker and that I have the ability to heal, and understood that the pain was for me. Leading me to research how to heal with energy.

Yesterday felt like a lot of shifts for me and I'm not sure I completely understand them but I'm ok with it. I'm just a curious person, but you already know that, I like to understand the why of things. Sort of like when I was giving birth to Madeline it really hurt and I asked the midwife why? She gave me an answer and I said, no I really to need to know why? Then she understood and explained that my bones were shifting apart quickly and that was why it was so painful. It feels similar to me to what is happening now. And I know on at the other end of the process is JOY! Can you share a little bit of the why with me?

Sending you love and gratitude from your student.

With Love,

Dear Isabelle,

We see the process of childbirth as a very nice analogy. You create a desire for more. That is conception. You conceive a desire and so the journey to the manifestation of the desire is the gestation period. It might take a few minutes, a few months, or a lifetime for the desire to manifest. It depends on how quickly you come into alignment with the manifestation of the desire. The desire will emerge into physical reality when you are ready and not before. The child will emerge into physical reality when it is ready. You would not want the child to come too soon or too late, just as you would not want your desire to manifest at any other time than the right time, and so it happens at the right time.

As you move toward your desire, you change and your world shifts. You have been tuned to one reality and when a desire manifests, you enter a new reality. There is always some resistance at this stage. Sometimes the resistance is mild and you hardly notice it. Sometimes you carry a lot of resistance and it is quite noticeable. You could have pre-paved your path to your manifestation through intention and this would have reduced the resistance, or you pull off the bandage or resistance and you feel it. Either way is okay as you will recover quickly.

You have moved to a new reality and a new level of awareness. You are coming to realize your purpose and your power, not just in a theoretical way, but in a real, tangible way. There is more to you than you can imagine and so this will take a bit of getting used to. You will and you will recover easily. Then you will be on a path to something more. You will move through dimensions and reach a new vibrational stage. In this journey, pre-pave your path through the intention to be aware of resistance, be ready for shifts in your reality, and soothe yourself by understanding this is all part of what you intended prior to your birth and you are ready for it all.

Notice what comes now. Notice how this reality feels different than the last one. Notice how differently you feel about yourself. Do you revere yourself? Do you understand that you are more magnificent than you can know? Are you thinking about your life, yourself, and your world in new ways? Do you feel that there has been a shift? How are you going to operate in this new reality? With calm and ease which will engage the forces of the universe, or with anxiety and worry? This is up to you. As your vibration raises, you become more authentic and as a result, your perception of fear changes drastically and you do not arbitrarily judge things as wrong through a reaction caused by fear. You see all things as right and you proceed based on your preferences. At this stage of awareness, it is important to think about what you personally prefer and move towards that.

With our love,
We are Joshua
