Isabelle Question #28


Hello Joshua!

So I think I'm so close.. and yet.

Yesterday I came home and the kitchen was a mess, again. Yup, I attract dirty dishes and messes. In fact it is amazing, I can clean the kitchen at night before I got to bed and wake up in the morning to another mess. Magically it appears for me. The Universe sending these manifestations alerting me to a fear because I find myself not aligned with my inner-self.

My inner-self tells me that I am focusing on the messes as wrong. I know they are not wrong and this is all done in love. They are perfect. So then I think ok, I am not appreciating my husband and daughter. They are not lazy and even if they were, they are perfect as they are! I'm am not going to try to change the conditions so I can feel better. I do not have to clean the house. If I feel inspired then I can clean. Why am I focusing on the messy house? Why does it even bother me, I'm not defined for my cleaning skills, the type of house I live in, or whether it is clean or not? I have a beautiful house and a beautiful family! Darn it, I sense I'm so close, but...

With Love,
Wobbling Isabelle

Dear Isabelle,

Do you think you would feel better in a perfectly clean house? We know for certain you would not. How do we know? Because if you remove your husband and daughter from your house, it would be clean, but now you would be focused on something else that would make you feel much, much worse than you feel now. The clean house is what you think you want, but what you truly want is the family you have. So why are you focused on the aspects you think are wrong, rather than the aspects you think are right? Why are you attached to something that literally makes no difference (a clean house) rather than what makes all the difference (a family living happily in that house)? You can have a family or a clean house, which do you prefer?

If you prefer the family, then let the house be messy, because this is not important. Don't badger them to clean up. If you want it clean, then clean. If you choose to feel like a slave, then realize that is your issue to deal with, not theirs. If you want someone else to do it, get a housekeeper. What you think you want is a clean house with people who do not treat you like a slave. What you truly want is love and harmony and people who are free to be who they are. You can control the behaviors of others by asking them to be different than they are, but this will never get you what you truly want. You can ask politely. You can make rules that are meant to be broken (and you allow them to be broken). You can appreciate them when they do clean up, but you will never get anywhere by being in a lower emotional state of being and then taking action from urges and impulses and the anger that flows while you're in the lower state. This will never work.

The universe is based in love. You get what you truly want through love and appreciation. You maintain your alignment through gratitude. You create your reality by maintaining your focus on the positive aspects because this keeps you feeling good. Take action when inspired from a positive emotional state. Do not ever take action inspired from a lower emotional state. This action is simply the urge or impulse to control the conditions. Don't ever seek to control the conditions. Work on raising your perspective from the messy house to the wonderful people you love and you will be inspired to the right solution. That is the unbelievable power of focus.

With our love,
We are Joshua
