Arnaud Question #52


Dear Joshua,

Why is the topic of sexuality still so taboo in our society and why is it so difficult to discuss it without fears, with people like our parents for instance?

I personally am very private on this subject. On the one hand I tell myself the story that this is no one else's business as long as I feel good. On the other hand, I sometimes wonder whether by adopting this attitude I am masking fears that need overcoming in that respect.

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

No fears need overcoming. Fears are simply limiting. If you find yourself being limited by your limiting beliefs in this area, then those beliefs can be addressed. Remember, the beliefs that you have adopted from others often go untested. You have picked up many beliefs along the way. Some of them are beneficial and others are limiting. The beneficial beliefs allow you to easily do what you want to do. The limiting beliefs invoke fear and sometimes you succumb to the fear and do not do what you are inspired to do. You have total control over your beliefs. Organize them so that you may easily and effortlessly move forward to do all that which you are inspired to do.

The area of sexuality is mired in fear for many of you. You are here to explore. That exploration includes sex. Is sex enjoyable? Then it is worthy of further exploration. Are you limiting yourself in any way from doing what you are inspired to do? If so, it is due to a limiting belief about sex. Is the belief true? Is it always true? is it true for you? If the belief is limiting, and it is irrational, then it is false. You are here to enjoy all of the pleasures of physical reality. Sex is something you will miss when you are nonphysical (not really, but you get the drift).

Your parents want you to be as "normal" as possible. They have fears about you. Any abnormalities bring up fear in them due to their own limiting beliefs. It is easier for them to quell their fears if they believe you are a normal person. However, since there is no normal, this is highly irrational behavior. In a natural world, your parents would accept you as you are. Everyone would accept you as you are. They would see that the exploration of anything that gave you joy was wonderful. If they felt some fear, they would process it themselves. Since they cannot do that, they ask you to be normal.

You can be whoever you want to be, but one thing you do not need is their acceptance of you or your interests. They will always feel fear when it comes to you. You can rebel and cause them to feel more fear or you can alleviate their fear by keeping to conversations that allow them to maintain their fears. You might have the urge to bring up something in order to gain evidence of their acceptance and approval and they may give you their approval. However, the belief that you need them to approve of you or your choices is not necessary. You do not need others to accept you. You simply need to express your love by accepting them as they are, even if they cannot accept you.

In fear, you might receive the urge to tell them something in order to force their hand. You might believe they do not accept you and you want to make them wrong for that. In love, you might receive the inspiration to tell them something, even if you feel fear around it. In love, you will accept them either way. In love, your inspiration to tell them or to have a conversation will lead to your highest benefit regardless of the outcome. Distance yourself from any outcome and do what you're inspired to do from a place of love. If you exist in a place of fear and have the urge to do something, wait until you get into a place of love and then think about it again.

With our love,
We are Joshua

With our love,
We are Joshua
