Arnaud Question #49


Dear Joshua,

I have finally booked the land cruise and feeling exhilarated! I imagine that this feeling of exhilaration is changing my point of attraction in the now, and therefore the path I'm on?

But that's not really the question I wanted to ask. Things are shifting in my reality at the moment. I have just had my interview for this potential new job today. I was feeling good and aligned and it all went well so whatever will come next will be for me! Does that mean that if they offer me the job I should accept it, without questioning the fears that come up because there will be something in it for me and my expansion?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

Yes, if you are offered a job, you must look at the fear as well as your highest excitement. We will never tell you what to do, only how to do that which is for your highest benefit and growth. When you detach yourself from an outcome and come to the realization that as long as you are in a state of alignment and you are processing your fears, then your decision will always work out for your highest good and greatest benefit.

The result of not taking a job you are offered is what? Why would you not take it? Is there something more you would like to explore at your current job or is there the fear of making a wrong decision? You cannot make a wrong decision, because all decisions will eventually lead you along a path as determined by the vibration you are offering. Make the decision that feels best in the moment and then commit to that decision. Leave alone any other possibility, because regret of past decisions simply takes you out of alignment. Once the decision has been made and the new path has been taken, you can never go back. You are forever changed by the decision. You have expanded as a result of the decision and therefore your past no longer exists. It is gone and you cannot go back.

The decision made in alignment will be for your highest good, every time. Regret is possible, but mistakes or even failure is not. The result of the decision is expansion and this is what you came for.

So then, all that's left is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of loss. However, all of these fears are irrational. You cannot fail, you cannot lose, and the unknown is all there ever is. The belief that you should know what is coming before you make a decision is irrational and false. Not only should you not know, you certainly do not want to know. The unknown is the basis of this reality. Go forward in love, alignment and confidence knowing that it will always work out. Process the fears as they come up and realize they are irrational. You must now lean into your path and choose to consciously raise your vibration. Look at your limiting beliefs and laugh at them knowing they are not real or accurate or even valid. They are false. All irrational fear stems from limiting and false beliefs about yourself and the world. You know too much by now. You cannot unlearn what you know. You can now see that many of your limiting beliefs are preposterous.

If you were to receive the job, why would you not take it?

With our love,
We are Joshua
