Arnaud Question #41


Hi Joshua,

I was wondering this morning about your perspective on the power of visualisation and how it can be best put to use. Can visualisation be a tool to magnify the power of intentions?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

Visualization is indeed a powerful tool, but many do not understand how to use it effectively. The idea of the effective utilization of the visualization process is a tricky one. After all, what are you trying to visualize and why? Do you want things to be different than they are? Do you want to try to imagine how things could be better? Or, are you simply using your imagination to interpret the feelings you would like to feel?

Right now in this very moment you are feeling something. Are you feeling good or bad? If you are feeling good and you think about what it is you want, what comes to mind? Now, is the subject of that something you want specific or general? Is it clear or abstract? Does it come to you naturally, or are you trying to make something fit in with what you think you want? If you use visualization to try to make something happen, of course you can, but will it be as good as what the universe will deliver? Are you thinking to enjoy how you are feeling or to try to change the conditions? Let us dive into this idea a bit deeper.

Imagine that you hate your job and you wish for a better job. Would it be wise to visualize the job you would like to have? Probably not. In doing that, your attention is really placed on all the things you do not like about your current. Job. The focus is on the negative aspects of what you are experiencing now. The focus causes those aspects to grow. Therefore, you maintain a match to that which you do not like and nothing really changes, even if you change jobs. The better, more effective option is to visualize all that you enjoy about your current job and the current conditions that exist in your life. That might seem counter-intuitive, but this is just how physical reality works.

The fact is that you cannot really visualize your preferred reality. You use what you do not like as a springboard to what you assume would be better. But your perspective is limited and your vibration does not yet match the preferred reality. When the preferred reality exists, it will mean that you are a match to it and so you can readily perceive it. Before this time however, you cannot know what the preferred reality looks like and that makes it rather difficult to visualize. The universe knows what the preferred reality looks like and it is causing you to become a vibrational match through a series of manifestation events. If you go along with these events and uncover whatever limiting beliefs are in your way, then soon you will become a vibrational match to the reality you prefer and a new job will be given to you.

Now imagine that you maintain your dislike of your job, even though you have gone through a series of manifestation events. This will mean that you have not addressed your limiting beliefs and therefore your vibration has not changed to become a match to a better job. You might visualize a better job and be led by inspiration to actions that eventually lead to a new job, but since your vibration is the same, the new job (lover, home, etc.) will not feel any different. What you want to do is chang, how you feel. If you want a better job or anything else, visualize what you have now in a way that highlights the positive aspects. Find a way to feel very good about what exists now and soon enough all that you truly want will naturally unfold as if by magic.

Trying to do anything, no matter how spiritual the technique seems, will only highlight how you really feel. If you were to meditate all day for the sole purpose of creating a new reality, then the spiritual practice really becomes another form of control.

With our love,
We are Joshua
