Arnaud Question #27


Hi Joshua,

Thank you for your last answer. I realise I see glimpses from that answer, but don't see the full picture yet, quite as clearly as you depict it. It has inspired a follow up question. I have been facing another manifestation event at my work in the past couple of days.

I manage two people. My boss expressed to me some concerns about one of them not being up to the level of performance that would be expected of her. I now have the task to have a open and honest chat on Monday to address these issues. I have a very good relationship with both of them, and have been pondering what this situation means for me and how to best approach it from an empowering perspective.

The situation brings fear in me because I feel like it is reflecting my inability to manage properly, and I somehow associate this lack of performance with a lack of clear direction on my part. What I have realised is that the perceived lack of performance, or unreliable performance, in the other is actually a reflection of how I feel about myself. I must see my own perfection in order to perceive this in the work of others. Therefore, my intention is to raise my vibration and change the way I see myself before I go into this meeting on Monday, see this girl as perfect and allow whatever message needs to be conveyed to come through. But, of course, you may have complementary insight and advice?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

Again, this work environment has been designed for you to explore your idea of worthiness. All of this is for you. Every experience is for you. Of course, it is for the other people as well, but that is not the point. This is your universe and the others revolve around you and so your primary concern is your own growth and expansion. You cannot create in the reality of others and so you are not obliged to do anything other than to move through this process of meeting with her on Monday in full alignment with who you are.

There is a version of you that exists right now. This is not the full version of who you really are, nor is it the version of you who existed a year ago. This is the most expanded version of you that has ever existed in physical reality. You know more now than ever before. You see yourself as more than you did a year ago. There are three ways to approach this meeting; as the limited and fearful version of you that existed a year ago, as the more expansive version of you that exists now, or as the fullest version of you that you know exists somewhere. You have the choice to be whoever you want to be. You are not limited by your current idea of self. You can make up any version of you that you like. Do you realize that you are doing this anyway?

Who you think you are is completely fabricated from within. You could literally be any other version of you that you like; from the authentic version of you to the limited version and anywhere in between. The authentic version is the closest representation of who you really are while living in physical reality. It is the version of you that is not without fear, but is able to effectively process fear so that it is not limiting. You can do that now if you wish. There is nothing preventing you from effectively processing fear.

What's the fear around this meeting? What do you personally have to fear? Do you fear the girl's response? Do you worry she will be upset by what you have to say about her performance? If so, why? That is for her to process. It will be her fear to resolve. You cannot do that for her. If she feels negative emotion, then she has the chance to discover a limiting belief. If you see her as the who she really is (a magnificent and limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance) then there can be nothing to fear. However, if you bring in fear by seeing her as incapable of creating her own reality or as a lesser version of who she really is, then you rob her of the benefit you might offer, because you dip into a lower emotional state and you lose access to your power. By seeing her as perfect as she is, you will be able to convey information that will be of benefit to her. You will receive ideas for how to say what must be said. If you stay in alignment, you will flow information from the nonphysical into the physical.

Now, why in the world would you ever care if you are a good manager or not? You did not come here to manage anything. Certainly, your boss wants you to control the conditions, because in doing that, he exercises his control. But that is simply a fearbased mechanism and all we know that won't work. Don't blame him for wanting to control you, because that's all he knows. He does not realize that by placing fear in you, you lose your connection to Source and you're much less powerful and effective. You need not allow fear to enter the picture. You choose perspectives that allow fear to come in. It is always your choice.

Remember, this job that you have created is for your benefit, but it certainly does not define you. You can mess around in it all you want to explore ideas of worthiness and value. As soon as you have done your exploration, this job will vanish, because it will no longer be needed. As long as it's necessary in your exploration of life, it will exist. The illusion that someone has control over your life causes you to feel fear. In that fear, you are not as effective in your job. Your actual work related work is of little value when you fear that this job defines you. When you act as the authentic version of you and you bring forth the energy of the universe by maintaining your alignment (by choosing the higher perspective in every occasion) your value soars. All you have to do now is figure that out for yourself. You must see through the illusion. You must choose your own perspective that empowers you to maintain your alignment.

Fear about what? What is there really to fear? If you're a great manager, what does that mean? Does it mean you're good or valuable? Of course not. It means nothing. You are already as good and as valuable as you can ever get. It matters not whether you are of value to your company, because you are of unimaginable value to All That Is. Everything else is just here for your entertainment and expansion. You will expand no matter what, so nothing really matters. However, if you would like the thrill that comes with flowing energy from the nonphysical into whatever you are doing, then be who you really are and start being the unimaginably powerful creator that you really are.

If we were in your physical place, we would go into that meeting beaming with love for the girl. We would not care about this job. We would not worry for her. We would not care if she became more productive in her work or not. We would simply talk to her in a state of complete love and acceptance and we would know that the right words would flow from our collective lips as they flow from the nonphysical. Kind of like what we are doing right now in our words to you. Let the intelligence flow from a state of love and just see what happens.

With our love for you,
We are Joshua
