Arnaud Question #25


Dear Joshua,

Two days ago I was inspired to ask a question around passion. I was walking through the train station and someone was playing on the piano that has been positioned there for the public to play on. The people playing are not always good players, but it's a fun thing to have in the middle of a public space that people can use to express themselves.

When I walked past the other day, this man was playing and he was extremely good. He was completely absorbed in the music and flowing the energy into the notes. The music felt like a warm comforting blanket. It had so much force and substance. And it occurred to me that I have always thought I would love to play the piano. I love the way it feels when you play, the way it sounds, but most of all the huge impact that it makes when it is played beautifully. I must have found tons of reasons in the past to explain to myself why it would not be practical for me to play the piano (too old to start an instrument; too complex; it would take too long to reach a level that is interesting; it is too expensive; etc, you get the idea). But these are all fears... so, my question is: could playing the piano be a specific passion of mine that I haven't yet indulged? How do I let this idea flourish without taking action too soon (perhaps it's the idea of playing music that is an underlying passion and I will be guided to the instrument that is best for me if I go with the flow)?

I feel like I'm only scratching the surface with passion. And one thing is for sure, I want to inject passion more back into my life.

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

If you are interested in something, then it is perfectly appropriate to move toward that interest. However, there is no need to think past the first step. Just because you are inspired by someone playing the piano, and it moves you to the vibrational level where you can receive an inspired idea, doesn't mean you have to picture yourself buying a piano, paying for lessons, or up late practicing. You simply received an inspired idea. The fear comes when you think too many steps ahead. There is no fear involved in the first step. You receive inspiration and then you ask yourself, "what is the step right in front of me? What is the logical first step?" And the step will be revealed to you.

Let's take a look at all of the myriad of possibilities that might arise from this inspiration revolving around the piano. You might buy a music magazine and see something else that catches your attention. You might look at a video about playing the piano. You might download an app. Whatever that first step is, it will lead to another first step.There is no step two, simply are series of first steps. Follow those steps without wondering where they lead and you will find that they lead you right to the manifestation of some desire. The desire may have no relationship to the piano, but the piano was the way the universe could lead you from one interest to another and another and another, knowing that it would eventually lead you to the manifestation of some unrelated desire.

The lesson here is to follow the inspiration and take the only action you can take. That is the first step. There is no reason to think past the first step ever. If you think too far ahead, you'll take yourself out of alignment because the thoughts that come to you will feel overwhelming. When you feel overwhelmed, you are feeling fear. You have a limiting belief around something having to do with step 2-50, but not step one. Currently, you are vibrationally ready for step one and that step might contain some fear, but the fear is easily processed. You are not a vibrational match to steps 2-50 and therefore those fears seem too big for you. When and if you get to those steps, you will be ready for them, so there's no need to ever worry about that. You will be a different vibrational version of you by the time you make it to those steps. The very act of moving through step one makes you vibrationally ready for the next step.

You emit a vibration. The vibration contains your desires, beliefs and fears. The universe reads your vibration and sends you on a journey to the eventual manifestations of your desires. It will use whichever path is easiest for you based on your beliefs and fears. You will receive inspiration to act. That inspiration will be the first step. That's all you need to know. You might want to look up the road, but it's a twisty one. You can never see where the road will lead because your perspective from where you are at the beginning of the road (or even the middle) is limited. Have faith that the universe and your inner self can see the entire road and they will never lead you astray. All you have to do is take the first step.

With our love,
We are Joshua
