Arnaud Question #21


Dear Joshua,

Your last answer has helped me to refine my last question to dig a little deeper, thank you! (and sorry to insist!) I understand that I am attracting and receiving thoughts, and that all thoughts exist as potential. What I think I am reaching for is how do I distinguish a thought that comes from infinite intelligence from one that doesn't? Do I just rely on my emotional guidance? For instance, when I read the answers that Gary channels from you, I feel resonance and implicitly trust that they are aligned with Source. I think that whenever I sit down or quiet my mind to receive a message, I have this expectation to be wowed by its depth and resonance. Have I got too high expectations? Do I need to chill a bit?

With love,
as always

Dear Arnaud,

As a channel, you are in a collaborative and co-creative dance with infinite intelligence. Depending on the vibration you are offering, you will become a match to certain information and present it in a certain style. That style will reflect who you are. The information will come through based on your specific interests and contained within your beliefs and personal expectations. For instance, the information can only come through in the languages in which you are fluent. It would not come through in Latin or a foreign language. It would not have to do with aspects of physical reality that do not interest you. Therefore, your interests and expectations provide the platform from which information can flow. This, in fact, is an excellent system, because it means that the unique life experience that you are living adds to the tapestry of information that is being disseminated. It also means that one person cannot bring forth information that is applicable or of interest to everyone.

Gary did not know what he was writing at first. When you are new to channeling, you will write what seems like nonsense, because you are not up to speed with the information as it comes through. What it interesting is the way in which the information comes through. As you relax and simply write whatever you can write as it comes through at great speed, you can enjoy the process. At the end of your session, you might go through what has been written and edit it for typos, grammatical errors, and clarity. You can feel free to move words around and to play with structure, if that's what you enjoy. There are no rules. You can put it forth as channeled information or as your own original ideas. You can certainly claim them as your own. You can do whatever you like, because this is all for your benefit. It need not have any relevance to anyone else.

You must come to realize that this experience of life is for you alone. You are the center of your universe. This is your reality. Nothing else makes any difference. No one else means anything. Everything has been created to give you a means to the expansion you intended. It might seem like there are other people out there living their lives, and while that is technically true, it is meaningless because they cannot create in your reality. This has all be set up for you to do with whatever you like. Do not let anything distract you from experiencing life as you intended to. Your ability to channel is part of that experience.

Imagine that you were identified as a prophet at the time of your birth. Imagine that you were singled out and were considered highly-priced and immensely special. Only one in a million have your ability to channel infinite intelligence. From the moment you could speak, every word was written down and shared with the world. The world would believe that every word you spoke was the word of the infinite. In this belief, it would be true. You would not distinguish between yourself and infinite intelligence. You would simply assume that every word was inspired and it would be.

However, you did not grow up thinking you were a messenger of the gods. You grew up thinking you were unworthy of this ability. And so you find yourself caught between two ideas of who you are. One the one hand, you have this unique ability to bring forth highly beneficial information and a very high perspective that has the potential to radically alter the quality of your life and of all those who find the information you will bring forth. You also have the idea of the insignificance that is you as you live among several billion other humans. Who are you to be singled out for this? How is it not a manifestation of your desire to be seen as special?

You are looking at things from a limited perspective. Your premise is flawed. You are not special because you have the ability to tap into infinite intelligence, because everyone has that ability. You have simply found a way to become a vibrational match to it. You are not insignificant because you are one of billions. You are an extension of Source and you could not be more special because you are Source personified and so is everyone else. You are special, not because you can bring forth infinite intelligence into the physical realm, you are special because you are an extension of Source who has happened to discover a latent ability available to all. It is the most natural thing in the world.

You can either pursue your ability and allow it to develop as you maintain a state of alignment and as you process your fears around it, or you can deny yourself the pleasure of pursuing ad interest and developing a passion just because you have a few doubts about it.

When you bring forth information that resonates with you, it does so because you have a belief and a perspective that is fully aligned with the information and since your inner self perceives it in the same way, you feel connected to it. It feels good. You might get goosebumps. This happens when you receive answers from us, because your perspective on the answer aligns with your inner self's perspective. The reason your perspective aligns is primarily due to a lack of fear or doubt. If you did not believe what we had to say, it would be due to some fear and the fear would cause you to come out of alignment with your inner self.

So the only thing that is preventing you from believing it and from sharing the same perspective as your inner self, is fear. You want it to be different so you can ease your fear. You believe that if you felt something, it would alleviate your fear. You want a clear sign, however there is no clear sign. This is your work. Like everything else, you can resist it in fear or you can process your fear, get back into alignment and do whatever you are inspired to do. That's all it is. It's your way of controlling fear by trying to control the conditions. This is one condition you cannot control so you better start analyzing your fears.

With our love,
We are Joshua
