Arnaud Question #16


Dear Joshua,

I appreciate your last answer, which resonates with what I was feeling intuitively. I seem to be constantly alternating between the new and the old approach at the moment. I feel a bit like a chameleon on a gingham cloth.

Yesterday, I faced this manifestation event around abundance, and spent the rest of the day soothing my thoughts and reaching for ease and trust that everything will unfold perfectly. Today, I woke up feeling invincible. The creative energy has been flowing. It was a particularly busy day at work with a lot of "important" deadlines, and everything fell into place. Now, I am on my way to London for an "important" client event tomorrow night (I am using quotation marks around "important", because nothing serious is going here, right?!). I am part of the team organising the event and I will be networking and schmoozing with clients and journalists. I usually consider myself rather awkward at networking, but I realise this is a limiting belief. I want to keep the momentum that I currently have going, so I have pushed that thought at the back of my head. I am prepaving tomorrow's event by imaging that everything is running smoothly, I always find myself in the right place at the right time, and always find the right thing to say. I imagine people leaving the party with smiles on their faces, and sending tremendous feedback the next day.

So, I think I know the answer to this question, but is it possible to influence the mood and how a gathering like this of circa 200 people is unfolding, just by raising and maintaining my vibration?

With love,

Dear Arnaud,

You create in your reality and everyone else creates in their reality. Since you create your own reality, you can create whatever you want. What comes to you is for you, so really there's nothing else to do other than maintain your alignment. Why make changes to what will happen if what will happen will be for your benefit because it will be an exact reflection of your vibration? If that's the case, then all you have to do is maintain your vibration. Focus on how you want to be and what you want to feel. Decide how you want to feel and be the version of you that resonates with that. You create it and so you must choose it for yourself without regard to what anyone else is choosing for themselves.

If you want to be an outgoing and successful version of you who easily navigates their way to all the fun and interesting people, then it doesn't matter what the crowd is choosing to feel, you will simply rendezvous with those who share your vibration of fun and success. Conversely, if you go into this event as the shy and nervous version of you, you will rendezvous with those who perceive you as shy. It will be whatever you make it. You are in total control.

So then, who will you choose to be? Which version of Arnaud will show up? Why that version? What's the benefit of the version you are choosing? Choose the version of you that is based in love and is most authentic. This version will not take anything seriously, will be at ease, will have fun, and will calmly and cooly interact with others on that same wavelength. If you can move your vibration up just a bit, you'll find yourself surrounded by a completely different sort of crowd. If you can maintain your alignment, you will be inspired to find and talk to these people. Your ease will communicate a sense of confidence, but what is really happening is that you will be fed lines internally. You will open the pathway of communication between yourself and your millions and they will inspire you to speak to specific people and they'll send you the best words.

Are we crazy? No, we are simply explaining the basic design of the system. You were never meant to go it alone. You were meant to be linked with your inner self and your millions. You knew that if you could maintain your alignment by seeing that everything is right and that everything is always working out for you, then you would be receptive to guidance. When you are in the aligned state, you make yourself available to special communication from a much higher and more intelligent place. If you lose your alignment because you think something is wrong and you feel fear, you are only open to urges to make the fear go away.

Use this event as another test. Set your intentions. Maintain your alignment. Think of the thoughts that are flowing to you. Be open to ideas and inspiration. Take suggestion and follow through. Do whatever you are inspired to do in the moment. You cannot get it wrong if you act, but you could succumb to fear and in fear you might not act. Do not pay much attention to the fear. It is not real. It is not rational. You will not die. Simply maintain a good feeling emotional state of being, be open to inspiration, notice the fear as it arises from within, and push past it by taking action in the moment. If you want to build momentum toward future success, use this event as a testing ground and allow it to help you generate even more confidence.

With our love,
We are Joshua
