Allyson Question #94


Dear Joshua,

I found a note to myself that I had wanted to ask this question and I'm not sure exactly what I was thinking when I wrote it....

How can I 'be more' without giving away more?

Thank you,

Dear Allyson,

There is nothing you can give away. Whatever you give, you receive. This is the basis of this reality and all realities. It is the basis of the Law of Attraction. That which you give comes back to you. It is not possible to lose anything. Loss is an illusion. The fear of loss is the most irrational of all fears, because all fear is really the fear of loss and loss is not possible in this reality.

You can be whatever you want to be. It is not really possible to be more than you are. Now, we use the term "expand" and in expansion, you are more. So theoretically, you could be more by expanding more, but you are expanding with every experience anyway. Therefore, in order to be more and expand more, you would simply have more experiences. But what is the difference between the experience of doing nothing and the experience of doing something? It is still an experience either way and in that experience you learn something more whether you are experiencing something thrilling or something boring. It's a matter of perspective. So then, expansion is inevitable, but resistance is a choice.

If you expand in each moment whether accidentally or intentionally, then it cannot matter what you are doing. The only thing that can ever make a difference is how you are perceiving the experience. If you believe the experience is good, then you are maintaining your alignment. If you believe it is bad, then you are resisting what is. Now, even this doesn't really matter. However, in alignment you feel good and in resistance you receive negative emotion that feels bad. Since this is a feeling reality, everything boils down to this. How you feel in any moment is the only thing that really matters. It's your choice, you can feel good or you can feel bad. We make no distinction as to which is better, only which you personally prefer.

Do you prefer to feel good? If so, maintain your alignment by always seeking the higher perspective. If you do this, you will expand and your life will feel good to you. It doesn't matter what happens after this. As long as it feels good, you will enjoy it. There's nothing you must do. If you can maintain your state of alignment and feel good, you can be more if you want to without worrying about ever giving anything away.

Imagine giving your love unconditionally. You love your mate when he is behaving properly (in your opinion) and even when he is not (also in your opinion). Since he resides in your universe to be a reflection of how you are choosing to be, you make up the rules. You're the one who decides if he is behaving or not. If you change those rules so that he is always behaving properly (since you are the one who decides what is proper and what is not), no matter what he is doing, then in your universe he is perfect and you can love him unconditionally. If it were not for the momentum of your judgment refined over years of controlling yourself and others, you could let him be as he will be and love him anyway. If you are doing this, you are not giving anything to him. You are giving it all to you, because you are maintaining your alignment. In alignment, you will be inspired to do, say, and think things that will be for your benefit and this completes the cycle.

We thank you for your question, because it has allowed us to reach for an answer that has, until now, been beyond our reach.

With our love,
We are Joshua
