Allyson Question #89


Hello Joshua,

This might be a multiple part question and contorted.

I was quietly reading a Q&A from Isabelle and I suddenly teared up and heard my mind. "Why do you have this strong desire (for umpteen years) to share/teach but you haven't done anything? Why can't I find the way, the look, the process and the words?" I took a few minutes to breathe. I read more and your answer to her question posed a few for me.

"There is more to you than you can imagine ..."

What do you mean more? The Inner Being?

..."You will [get used to it] ... Then you will be on a path to something more. You will move through dimensions and reach a new vibrational stage."

I get this intellectually. And I can see and feel myself moving ... I guess perhaps I'm feeling my impatience and not only do I want to be "good" at understanding and applying all the new approach stuff but I also want to be seeing/feeling my ultimate idea of being a teacher of this stuff.

SO - I thought about all this and your answer also included "set the intention" and I said, AH HA ... I wrote in my journal: 'I need to set the intention' ...(didn't write out the intention, just said I needed to 'add intention') and then immediately felt FEAR. And so I wrote down " ('Oh, I feel fear!')

The fear stops me. All the usual humankind - "since I don't know what my desired manifestation looks like or haven't been super creative to come up with an answer yet - perhaps I'm not good enough, smart enough" and/or "ya, right, how the heck do you think you're going to get this desired manifestation or ideas off the ground?"

Please, one more time, how do I push past fear - while not knowing what a new venture looks like?

Thank you,

Dear Allyson,

When you read an answer to someone else's question, please keep in mind that while the answer might stir something within you and help you identify your limiting beliefs and fears, the answer is specifically written for the asker. You have your own questions and for you it might be easier to reread some of those answers. Your path is quite different from anyone else's, including Isabelle's. You might look at her questions and see something similar in them and that is very true and accurate, but the answer for her is different than the answer for you.

There are two versions of every human living on earth. There is the authentic and true version of them and the limited one. The authentic and true version is the full potential of that person as they live in their authenticity. The limited version is whoever they are being right now. The only difference between the two versions is fear. If you are not being the full and authentic version of you in this moment it is simply due to your inability or unwillingness to process and resolve fear in the moment. Fear is limiting and it limits your experience of life while living here in physical reality. It is not bad to live a limited life, it's simply not quite as expansive and fulfilling.

Sometimes you are your authentic self and sometimes fear prevents you from being your authentic self. How you feel in each moment is the indication of your level of authenticity. If you are in joy, that is your authentic self and there is no fear standing in your way and blocking your true self from coming through in that moment. If you are sad, you are feeling that negative emotion because there is something in your reality that is causing you to feel fear. If it is an irrational fear, it's due to the presence of a limiting belief that has been triggered by some condition you judge as wrong or bad.

Those who are successful at navigating their lives and achieving their true desires are simply more comfortable dealing with fear. Somehow, they have learned to identify the fear and they realize that the fear is not real. They understand that the danger that comes from the fear is an illusion. There is really no danger. There really is nothing wrong in the moment. It is all due to the belief that something bad will happen as a result of this action or that condition. Every time a new president is elected, half the country feels fear and sinks into some form of negative emotion, even though nothing bad has happened to them in that moment.

You can realize that in the moment you are fine and that you have no idea how the future will unfold. You can choose to maintain your perspective on the best possible outcome or imagine the worst. That is your choice and you have full control over that choice. You can choose to worry or to look forward with excited and curious anticipation knowing that only good and come to you because things can only happen for you. It is up to you to process your fears and make up stories that are empowering rather than limiting.

All fear does is keep you from doing what you are inspired to do. If you have a desire, it will be accompanied by fear. Moving through fear is exhilarating. Being limited by fear is frustrating. If your desire is stronger than the fears you feel, you will move forward and take action when you are inspired. However, if the fear is more intense than the desire, you will not move forward. Therefore, reduce the intensity of the fear or increase the intensity of the desire, or both. Successful people take action when inspired because they are good at ramping up the excitement around the desire and reducing the intensity of the limiting beliefs that trigger fear. If you want to expand and become a vibrational match to your desires, you must learn to prove to yourself that your fears are false. You must get better at imagining the beauty of the manifestation of your desire in a way that feels good and is not scary to you.

When you have a desire, you tend to imagine the manifested reality of the desire. Since you cannot know how it's going to unfold or what you will be like when it finally arrives, you can make up any story you like. Most of the time, you make up a scary story and so you never make it past step one. A more empowering approach would be to realize that you will be an expanded version of you when you realize your dream and so you need not worry about any aspect of it because you will be ready for every step when each one comes to you. Just focus on the step right in front of you and do not think of what other steps may follow. The future steps are vibrationally matched to future versions of you. The step you are about to take today is the one step that matches you today. Tomorrow there will be another step that will be a vibrational match to tomorrow's version of you.

With our love,
We are Joshua
