Allyson Question #82


Oh Joshua,

Just got a call from my daughter who is having a challenge with being or feeling lonely as she doesn't have my girl friends in her new home area and her boyfriend is occupied with a sport. I told her she needs to love herself and maybe she should go take herself out for lunch or simply spend some time alone while feeling love for herself. She wasn't happy, but as I hung up, I realized how important it was to let it go and that it was her experience and that the FOR me was just that.

Rick, next to me, says "what the hell... I know all about that... when I did this and that I had the same thing... "

Now I'm pissed but I am in an analysis mood and fear conquer way. So I think - that's him. What's in this for me ... 2 options. First learn how to let it go and he has his story and I don't have to defend. Second, oh poop. I can't recall He has now gotten up and turned on the light and is washing his shoes? He has recalled that he will have to take his shoes off at the airport so he is planning ahead - all good but lights on, etc.

Let it go. Who cares. He isn't doing anything too me. In fact, gave me not only the inspiration to write but also the 'approval' to write and ask what the heck? (I can't sleep cause he is up and lights on).

I was ready to sleep and really doing appreciation energy when my daughter called. And then I was sending her positive energy and then he piped up and that conflicted with it and motivated me to share. Now I don't know what the question was.... so this is a conversation.

One minute I get it and I work it and the next I am confused.

But happy. And appreciative. And knowing I am expanding.

Lots of love.

Dear Allyson,

You are getting it. You are doing remarkably well. You see the "what's in it for me and you?" perspective perfectly well. That's excellent. Bravo!

Yes, you hear your daughter struggling and you think "this is for her. The thing I'm going to focus on is my love for her, her ability to work it out, she's perfect as she is, and I'm perfect as I am. I do not have to suffer right along with her. I can choose the higher perspective." How could it be any better than that.

Rick turns on the light because he is inspired to and you wonder "how is this for me?" Isn't that marvelous? You are not asking either of them to change so that you can feel better. You are loving them and doing and saying things from the higher emotional state of love rather than fear. Could anything be better than that?

You are getting it. You have got it. Now you are practicing what you are learning. It won't happen overnight, but things are taking shape and your world is expanding and forming itself into more and more of what you prefer. And when something pops up and you think "Oh poop!" You'll remind yourself that it is for you and you will choose your words and your actions based in love and not fear. This will create your future. It will be a future reality that you prefer more and more and more and more and more!

With our congratulations,
We are Joshua
