Allyson Question #43


Dear Joshua,

My sister sent me a link to a YouTube video on Law of Attraction. I believe she did it as a sweet gesture. I reluctantly began it ... and I did not finish it, nor did I read the entire transcript, although I did copy it to save.

The beginning was interesting and immediately drew questions: The Law of Attraction is just one of the 12. Here are the 12 laws you will master in this video: The Law of Divine Oneness, The Law of Vibration, The Law of Action, The Law of Correspondence, The Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Compensation, The Law of Attraction, The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, The Law of Relativity, The Law of Polarity, The Law of Rhythm, The Law of Gender.

Where is the Law of Continuity? There is another one you've spoken that I think is missing - but I can't recall at the moment.

The Law of Divine Oneness would make sense, perhaps. A given name to the way the Universe is designed - and I think perhaps that's what "Law of Attraction" is to - words together that title the way it is or the way it works.

Is there really a Law of Gender? I really don't care - but I am very curious about all of them.

If you or Gary have an interest in the words, I am happy to forward.

As I intended before sleep, I'm off to have a fabulous day. I wish you all lots of love,

Thank you!

Dear Allyson,

Those are all fine laws and they dovetail into our teachings very nicely. If you are really interested in them, you should certainly did deeper into them. We think you understand them well enough and we won't spend too much time in those laws. There are others who say that the Law of Attraction is one of many laws and not even the most important law. We would agree with part of that, however, we understand that if you can get a real sense of the Law of Attraction as it applies in this physical reality, then you will have the knowledge necessary to create the life you prefer. It might be helpful to understand the other laws in more detail, but it is not necessary to creating a life on purpose and with intention. To do that, all you need to understand is the Law of Attraction, how the forces of the universe work, and know more about the mechanism of physical reality.

In order to create the life you prefer, it is helpful to understand how reality works. You see, it is of little use to know about the Law of Attraction without first understanding the rules of the game and seeing this playing field from a higher perspective. Unless you know how the system works, you can't know that you are the creator of your reality. You will simply assume you are a victim of fate or ruled by some deity. Neither of those ideas are helpful in creating your own reality. Therefore, it is important to understand how it is you actually create your reality by understanding a few things about yourself and the universe.

You are eternal. You cannot die. Physical reality is not your home, the nonphysical realm is your home. You come here to expand through physical experiences (Law of Expansion). You are never separate from Earth or from the nonphysical realm (Law of Oneness). This is also explained by the Law of Continuity. Your focus is always partly here in the physical and partly in the nonphysical. Sometimes you are primarily focused here and sometimes you are primarily focused in the nonphysical. You have an inner world and an outer world and the outer world is a physical representation (a mirror) to your inner world. Your inner world is your thoughts, desires, imagination, fear, beliefs, feelings, emotions, etc. This informs your vibration (Law of Vibration) and your outer world is created around this vibration by the Law of Attraction.

You do not manufacture your thoughts. Your thoughts are attracted to you just as everything is attracted through your vibration via the Law of Attraction. This is a very important thing to understand. If you think you create your thoughts and ideas, then you will be inclined to criticize them or dismiss them. However, if you understand that you attract them, then you can analyze them. If you are feeling good, the thoughts and ideas that you attract in this state perfectly resonate with how you are feeling and they are inspired. They are being delivered to you by your inner self, guides, and supporters. When you take action on these inspired ideas, (Law of Action, Law of Correspondence, Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Compensation), the action will lead to your highest good.

When you feel bad, you attract urges and impulses that match how you feel. You will receive ideas to solve problems and fix things that are wrong. Actions taken from lower emotional states of being will not lead to the unfolding of true desires. Things might manifest, but they will never give you the feeling you hoped they would. They will never really fix any problem, because there never was a problem, only a perception of an illusion of a problem and that was caused by some fear. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe (Law of No Wrong - Law of Neutrality).

The purpose of physical reality is to turn nonphysical thoughts, ideas, feelings, imagination, etc. into the physical representation of those ideas (The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy). Desire is the mechanism by which these things are formed into physical and tangible experiences or objects. It is often contrast that causes you to birth strong desires (The Law of Relativity, The Law of Polarity, The Law of Rhythm, The Law of Gender).

There are other laws as well, but like these laws, they simply add to the deepness of understanding that is possible, but is often confusing. The Law of Attraction is confusing enough. If you were to understand these laws without knowing the rest of the story, then there would be nothing you could do with them. If you did not know that you created your own reality, or how that reality was created, then none of these laws would mean anything. This is why so many people have trouble with the Law of Attraction. They assume that they must simply focus on what they want and it will show up. But if they don't understand the Law of No Wrong, then they might continue to resist those things that come to them.

The Law of Attraction will bring you everything you want, that is true, but you must be a vibrational match to the desire. If you are not a vibrational match, the universe will make you a match by helping you to alter your beliefs. If you resist these manifestation events and call them wrong (violating the law of No Wrong), then you resist the changes that must be made and so what you want cannot manifest in your reality. If you focus on all the desires you've created out of fear, then you will manifest all those things, yet you will never be satisfied because you did not know that anything manifested from fear (Law of No Wrong) cannot solve the problem it was intended to solve. Therefore, before you apply the Law of Attraction, you must first apply the Law of No Wrong.

Thank you for helping us define a brand new law - The Law of No Wrong!

With our love,
We are Joshua
