Allyson Question #4


Dear Joshua,

If I chose worthiness as my big lesson this life on earth, is that my purpose? Or is it just a challenge that offers lessons?

What is a Purpose? I get that it's not "my job" but in ways "my job" can hold my purpose?

Do we need to know our purpose? Is it better to know? It's very popular now to be focused on discovering our purpose, but I would hope that we can live a fulfilled life without Having to Know our purpose. Maybe I am doing and living my purpose without Knowing?

But then - I am striving to find or realise my true self worth as I know that's an issue with me...and thus is that the whole of my purpose? I think you may notice I'm going around in circles!

Which came first? What do I need to know?

Thank you Joshua!

Dear Allyson,

There's nothing you need to know. You just need to be aware of the process of expansion and choose an approach to life that will allow you to discover that which you intended to explore. That's all there is to it.

Many teachers would not tell you that you have any purpose other than expansion and you cannot help but to expand in each and every experience. So, from that high perspective, you cannot get it wrong and you'll never get it done, as Abraham would say. We allow a little more detail here and we acknowledge that while most of the intentions you set prior to birth were general, one or more were more specific. You could call these things your purpose, but that is probably a bit grandiose. All we will say is that there are certain nuances that you want to explore in more detail. That's all there is to it.

Now, do you have to go out and find it? Not really. You can allow it to evolve on it's own. The intentions you set are powerful and when you live a nonresistant approach to life, they will emerge on their own. However, if you think things should be different than they are, you often resist the easy and calm approach to life that will lead to the discovery of your "purpose." However, that doesn't really matter either.

Let's imagine that you are here to explore the concept of worthiness. Why would you choose that experience? Because, in the nonphysical, you know your own worthiness. It never occurs to you that you might not be worthy, so you don't really know what it's like to feel worthy. You come to physical reality and experience unworthiness, and when you return to nonphysical, you will have a new sense of how it feels to truly feel worthy and this feels good. It adds to your nonphysical perspective and it is very nice. So, you see, it doesn't really matter if you "get it" here, because you will completely understand it when you reemerge into the nonphysical. However, it is exhilarating when you do understand it while you are physical and so as long as you've experienced unworthiness already, why not explore the feeling of feeling worthy? That's what we would do in your shoes.

The fact is that you are absolutely worthy and if you chose a trajectory of unworthiness, well that has been explored enough and now you can change your mind. You can be as worthy as you truly are. You can be a limitless being of pure positive love. You can see that you are perfect as you are. You might evolve to another, more worthy-feeling version of you, but you will be no more perfect than you are now. So there is nothing for you to do to feel worthy other than feel worthy. That's all you can do. Nothing outside yourself will make you feel worthy, it will simply be a reflection of how worthy you currently feel in any moment. If you feel worthy, it will be obvious in your reality. If you feel unworthy, that too will be obvious. Reality is nothing more than a mirror to your vibration and your vibration is caused by how you feel.

You are worthy and perfect and this is evidenced by this conversation you are having with us. Few people have ever reached a vibration high enough to reach us. Doesn't that in itself prove how worthy you truly are? Use that as an excuse to feel worthy. In fact, you anything and everything as an excuse to feel worthy and use nothing as an excuse to feel unworthy. You are worthy and if you don't feel that way, then you're just looking at yourself from a flawed perspective caused by momentum and fear. It is an illusion. See the reality of the absolute truth that you are worthy and now go on from here to explore something else - Like Fun and Abundance and Joy and Happiness!!!!

With our love,
We are Joshua
