Allyson Question #28


Dear Joshua,

I'm still out of breath… I went out for my walk and came around the corner and I hear a loud crow. I'm facing the sun so I can't really see him, but I can hear him. (And, just last Friday morning I had had an experience with a large crow so I was watching.) I finally see him... I took a picture of him and began to walk away. He got louder and flew to a tree close to me. Then his 3 buddies did the same. Then he swooped me. Then over and over he got close and went by me or over me screaming. So I turned around and RAN home! It scared the daylights out of me. They followed me a good block and one came down my col de sac and got really close - swooping by me and over me.

Can you guess what my question is? What in the world would I need to learn by being chased by big loud crows?

Phew, I made it home!


Dear Allyson,

What an adventure. Now was the fear of being chased by crows a rational fear or an irrational fear? Have you thought about that? Let's take a look at it. A crow screams at you and you feel fear. What is the fear? It is the fear of being pecked in the head by a bird or flock of birds. That would be quite painful if it happened. Maybe they saw you as a threat or maybe they wanted some of your hair for their nests. Either way, the fear might have been perceived as rational because you could be injured.

Looking at this fear, you could have told yourself several things. You could have either ramped up the fear by remembering the movie "The Birds" or by receiving mental images of many huge birds pecking at your head and seeing the blood flowing. Or you might have realized that the birds really have no power to do you harm, that they are reacting to your fear, that they are feeling fear themselves, and that like you, they are beings of love and mean you no harm. You could have changed your vibration and exuded love toward them rather than fear.

So the birds taught you a lesson about fear. Almost all the fear you face on a daily basis is irrational. You might be predisposed to ramping up the fear. You might think about the worst possible outcome. You might allow the fear to linger without processing it. You might not analyze the fear to see if it is irrational or not. You might do all these things that make the fear seem real. You might even be fooled by the illusion fear is causing in your reality. It is the fear that you must work on resolving if you are to become a vibrational match to all that you want. Without fear, you could feel no negative emotion.

Fear is limiting because it limits your experience of life. This is why it is so important to face your fears and to do the work to reduce their intensity. If you perceive an irrational fear as real, you will not follow through on the actions you are inspired to take. If you do not take action when inspired, your desires will not manifest. Not only will this prevent your desires from manifesting, but because you are resisting your desires, you will feel inner conflict which will cause stress on the body. In other words, you will entertain these fears and allow them to linger and that will not feel good. Instead, you must become proficient at processing fear. If you can do that, then you will become a master manifestor and all your desires will magically appear in your reality.

You have a choice to make when you feel fear (whether it's rational or irrational). You can either make the fear more intense than it really is or you can look at the fear and realize that as a limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance, you can understand how you are being and what is really causing the fear. You can see through the illusion that the fear is causing and you can remember who you really are and exude love rather than fear.

If you had approached the crow from a place of love, you would have had an entirely different experience. You would have been inspired to take some action. Maybe you would have been inspired to offer her a lock of your hair for her nest, or maybe something else. The urge to run (to change the conditions) came from the feeling of fear and the illusion that you were in danger. The inspiration to act comes from a position of love and in that stance, you are invincible.

With our eternal and infinite love for you,
We are Joshua
