Allyson Question #23


Dear Joshua,

You are spot on - why would I ever do work-work! Well, I didn't do any work-work yesterday and I found out today when I was inspired to hit my desk that there was really nothing urgent to have had completed yesterday. I did enjoy a day of reading Joshua and relaxing, etc. and I was inspired to hit the computer this morning and all work-work was completed without any stress!

I have, for the most part, always enjoyed what I do because it's almost all creative work. I love creative work ... designing, writing, etc. I have always been a match vibrationally to each job I applied for and when the fun ran out - I'd move on successfully.

When I became semi-retired and ended a contract position that had lost the fun, I did ask the Universe, "What's next that would be fun?" Instantly I was in the business of going to homes of seniors who wanted to learn more about their computers to provide training. It's so fun! And rewarding. And it's all on my schedule, too. While they are a bit tight with their wallets, I really don't care. I'm not doing it for the money - much more for the satisfaction I get out of seeing their happiness with their new knowledge!

Along with the desire to teach, I also wanted to expand my website design skills and Viola! I am on my 5th one now and loving it!

I get that fear comes up when inspiration does and this is somewhat a new piece of information, but I can be aware of it. "Only take the steps that are in front of you" is a perfect mantra. Now to apply it to all other areas of life, I'll be unstoppable!

Off to do some work-work that I'm OK with doing :o)


Dear Allyson,

The old approach to life says that you should work hard in order to create a future where some day you might take it easy and rest. The new approach to life says nothing should be hard and that you should always take it easy. Then, when you're feeling good and the time is right, you will feel inspiration. When you act on that inspired idea, you will be more effective and productive in an hour than a whole day (or week, or month, or year) doing something uninspiring, boring, tedious, or difficult.

This is the difference between motivation and inspiration. You need motivation to do things you don't want to do. You need to be motivated to get up and go to a job that is not interesting. You need the carrot and the stick just to make it to the weekend. You do all this so that you can afford objects, possessions, or experiences that you think will make you happy. Luckily enough for you, you had this figured out the whole time. Feel good first and attract the conditions that make you feel good. It is all driven by desire.

The desire is the engine of the car, but is the engine running on inspiration or motivation? That depends on your approach to life. If you are trying to control the conditions so that you feel good, then your engine is running on motivation. You cannot receive what you want by controlling or coercing the conditions. You will never receive the feeling you want when you take action to prove yourself good or worthy or any other thing. You must feel it first and then allow yourself to receive the inspiration to move in the direction of what you truly want.

In an natural world, where you were acting as your authentic self, knowing your worthiness and understanding that you are guided through your emotions and receiving inspiration all day long, you would simply act the moment you received the thought or idea. Your engine would run on inspiration. The action would lead you from step to step to the next step. All of your desires would unfold easily and effortlessly and you would exist in a state of bliss, which is the state of allowing.

In the old approach to life, you are unaware of what your emotions are telling you. You exist in a positive emotional state of being part of the time and in a negative state the rest of the time. You receive inspiration when feeling good, but because fear pops up, you do not act on very much of it. The fear limits your actions. Those times when you are in a negative state of being, you receive impulses and urges and fear also prevents you from taking action on these, which is a very good thing. However, when the emotion is intense, you might act on ideas that are not in your best interest. You might do or say things that you later regret. You inflict some sort of damage and then spend energy repairing the damage or lamenting over it.

You can see that the new approach to life is far more enjoyable, far less limiting, and works within the laws of the universe. The old approach conflicts with those laws and this is why many people struggle with life. Life to them is quite difficult, but it could be so much easier. It is all due to resistance to what is. If people would simply drop their resistance, life would just flow easily for them. Their true desires would unfold with no work-work. It would all be fun.

There are true desires and false desires. The true desires are perfectly aligned with who you really are and what you intended prior to your birth. You do not need to identify these desires, because as long as you are feeling good and in a state of allowing (a non-resistant state), you will be inspired to take action so that these desires will unfold naturally into your reality.

The false desires are those which you think will make you feel worthy, loved, or good. Since you are already worthy and good, and you are a being of love who does not need love but only wants to express love, these are false desires. You might create a false persona in order to get people to like you or think you're good and worthy. You might take jobs, mates, or buy possessions to prove you're worthy of love. But this approach cannot work, because your reality can only show you how you really feel about yourself.

You must work within the laws of universe by being who you really are and dropping your false persona and relinquishing the illusory idea of control. If you can do this, then all you have to concern yourself with is how you feel.

Imagine that! The only thing that matters in a feeling reality such as this is how you feel. Your only work is to feel good. The only thing you have to do is maintain your alignment with your inner self. The work is to see all things from the highest perspective available to you. If you can do that, then you can own the world. Why would you not own the world? Didn't you already know that this world was made for you? You can have, be, and do anything you like because you are the creator of your own reality and you are a marvelous creator indeed!

With our love,
We are Joshua
