Allyson Question #18


Dear Joshua,

"What's in this experience FOR me?" This was my mantra as I drove to meet a friend. We were to meet at 11 a.m. I'm always on time, if not early. That morning I had even had a discussion with my parents about how funny it is that I am always so early. I know I have a very strong belief that being a timely person means I respect others, I can be trusted to show up on time, etc.

I took the exit off the freeway--I would have been 20 minutes early. But I saw a sign - which now I think is absolutely hysterical - "Bunker Tunnel Closed. Use DETOUR." So I did. I followed the detour, but I knew by the knot in my stomach that I was going the wrong way. Up and over the hills - a gorgeous view of San Francisco, then out to the ocean... sunny and tons of cyclists. It was a detour for sure. I didn't need to take the detour. When I finally arrived at the destination I was 15 minutes late.

While driving and asking myself "what's in this detour for me," I was laughing. I had a couple of thoughts, "this will allow me to release the importance of being on time. Perhaps, I am not paying attention to signs and didn't realize (see) that the detour was not part of my path to the meeting location."

When I got to where I was to go, I went around the area twice, having to back up and re-direct - finally landing a parking spot. I actually felt a bit of relief that I was not as uptight about my being late as I had anticipated. (My friend was not upset at all! When I told her what I did, she laughed too).

Did I lessen the fear of being late because I 'did the work?' Did I need to laugh at myself?

When I left, I actually went the wrong way--again, only to have to turn around. And I had passed the freeway entrance which was clearly marked. What's up with my seeing/not seeing signs?

Lots of love,

Dear Allyson,

Anything you believe about yourself is not true. It's a limitation. It's based on a limiting belief. It is rooted in fear. The fear is that if I am not ______________, then others will not like or love me. It is not authentic and it does not represent who you really are. You are a limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. You are limitless, which means you cannot be defined. You are a being of love and acceptance, which means you do not care what others think of you. You love and accept them regardless of what they think about you. All of these things you think you are have been created to fool the world into accepting you. It goes against the laws of the universe as we know them.

Being on time is not good or bad, it's neutral. If you judge it as good, then you judge being late as bad. This forces you to conform to your limiting beliefs and this conformity is inauthentic, unempowering, and quite limiting. By being punctual, you remove all the other possibilities. This is not going with the flow of life and allowing what you want to come to you, it is trying to control the conditions. That is the old approach to life.

The new approach to life is one by which you are guided in every moment. You allow your inner self and your millions of guides and supporters to bring you inspiration in every moment. You flow with the energy of infinite intelligence rather than trying to make everything happen on your own. This need to control everything is what causes you to believe in the myth of punctuality. That would be a good title for a book and you should write it. When you come to understand that this manifestation event highlights the most limiting belief of all "CONTROL," you can move to a new approach to life. In this new approach, you release your need to control anything (especially yourself) and you simply go with the flow of life, moving in and out of things that interest you.

Imagine how you live in the nonphysical realm. You are energy and you flow to that which interests you, entertains you, and excites you. You are looking for fun and receiving joy. There is no time and so you always arrive on time. As a physical being, it may not seem like the right time according you your limited perspective, but it is always the right time based on the universe's plan to bring you all that you want. In the nonphysical realm, you feel for what you want and then you magically land in the right place at the right time because it is a match to how you feel, not what you think you want. That's how the Law of Attraction operates in conjunction with the universe. This is also exactly how it works in the physical realm as well.

You are not punctual. You only believe you are punctual, because this makes you good and when you are good, people will think highly (like, love, respect) of you. Punctuality is your way of fooling them into thinking you are good so that they will like you. You are trying to control their perception of you. How funny is that? In doing this, you are being inauthentic. You are good. You can't be anything other than good. It was your parents, teachers, peers, and society that asked you to conform into being some false representation of good just so they could control you and avoid their own negative emotions.

When you were not good, they felt fear. They did not like the negative emotion associated with fear and the only thing they knew how to do was to control the conditions and you were the condition they controlled. If you were good, they expressed their love and approval. If you were bad, they withheld their love and expressed their disapproval. You got caught up in the system and so now you judge and you control and you create the environment of resisting that which causes fear so that you can avoid negative emotion. This is the old approach to life.

The new approach to life starts with the realization that you are perfect as you are and you cannot be wrong. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe and you cannot be wrong either. If there is no wrong, then there is nothing to fix about yourself. If there is nothing to fix, then you must be considered perfect as you are. You are not punctual, you are perfect. Perfect is a more truthful way to describe yourself than punctual, and it's much more empowering too. Everyone else is perfect too. Like you, they are limitless beings of pure positive love and acceptance, and cannot be defined by any traits; positive or negative.

What is a positive trait? It's your judgment of what is good. What is good? That is defined by that which lessens the potential to feel fear. It's arbitrary and created to control the conditions. All judgment is based in fear, so release your need to judge anything, all others, and especially yourself. There is only one judgment that will ever serve you; everything is right.

We hope this answer inspires you to think differently about yourself and to ask us another question to clarify your concept of perfection.

With our love,
We are Joshua
