Allyson Question #13


Dear Joshua,

I just sat down and threw my arms up in the air and said, "How the heck am I going to ever learn all this?" "When will it stick?"

So that's the question.


Dear Allyson,

When you get to question #423. Just kidding. Although, at this pace, you'll be there soon enough.

If you were to watch a child learning to walk, would you worry that the child would never get off the ground? Of course not. This is not something you are learning, this is something you are remembering. This is information you knew as a child. When you were small, you knew how the universe worked. You were influenced away from what you once knew and you were taught an approach to life that was in opposition to the laws of the universe. We are simply explaining what you once knew. All we are showing you is an approach to life that works with the laws of the universe, rather than against them.

You have birthed a desire to be authentic. That is all you need to know. There's nothing more you need to do. You will be placed in situations that will reflect to you your limiting beliefs and your old approach to life. These manifestation events will be a reflection of the vibration you are emitting. You will notice that you feel negative emotion and you will be given an opportunity to analyze your fears. When you become guarded, which is not what you say you want, you will notice and you will be able to understand what causes you to put up your defenses. Now that you are aware of how the system works, you will become aware of what you are doing that is in opposition to what you want. You will notice your resistance, and that's all you ever need to do. It's not something you need to learn, it's something you've always known, but have resisted.

It is one thing to be aware of the laws of the universe and to notice when you are working in opposition to those laws and quite another thing altogether to actually work with the universe. Like anything worthwhile, it will take a little practice. You did not learn to walk in a day. You were a little wobbly at the beginning. You did not doubt that you could walk, it just came naturally. Now you are walking all over the place. The same is true with living authentically. You might be wobbly for a little while, but with practice and determination, you will become more authentic in no time at all.

There is no real reason to live an authentic life other than for the benefit it offers. There is no rush. You have been living by the old approach for most of your life. There is some momentum to that. You will never be fully authentic anyway. Fear will always pop up. So take it slowly and make it easy. All of this is meant to be fun and interesting. Challenging? Yes. Difficult? No.

With our love,
We are Joshua
